Dualer Student | Drummer | Blauer Trommler des Fanfarenzug Rauenspurg | Film Kritiker | Kegler | Software Entwickler | non-proprietary Software enthusiast | Cola Gläser Sammler
"We all go a little mad sometimes"
- Norman Bates
"Beat my meat like a fucking butcher, pump the pussy like i am Ashton Kutcher"
- Hollywood Undead
"Fuck you Nvidea!"
- Linus Torvalds
- Are you dead yet? - Children of Bodom
- Domination - Pantera
- Raining Blood - Slayer
- Bleed - Meshuggah
- Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
- Pull me Under - Dream Theater
- 2 Minutes to Midnight - Iron Maiden
- Halloween - Helloween
- Evil Dead - Death
- Stabbing in the Dark - Ice Nine Kills
- Gymnasium mit Profilfach IMP (Informatik, Mathe und Physik)
- Python Workshop bei Rolls Roice Powersystems
- Praktikum bei SAP
- Praktikum bei Airbus
- Abitur
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