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Marco den Hartog edited this page Aug 14, 2020 · 10 revisions


An Application Starter Pack (ASP) is a code base built by an InterSystems partner using InterSystems IRIS Data Platform that shortens the time to develop a complete application that addresses a specific industry or technology challenge. It is not a completed application. Rather, it is a starter code that can be extended and customized by partners and customers to meet specific customer requirements and environments.

IRIS OEE Starter Pack

In this document the functional solution of the IRIS OEE Starter Pack is explained. In this solution, specific equipment data is processed into OEE information using the IRIS Analytics functionalities. Prior to this the IRIS Data Platform Architecture as used for this solution is described. The Operation Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method is also clarified at first. Besides the OEE Analytics solution, a real-time dashboard solution is mentioned as an alternative way of presenting OEE information. Finally a JD Edwards (JDE) workorder upload solution is described.
