Update V1.3.5 - Improvements to Get-AzureADLogs + Get AzureADGraphLogs
Get-AzureADLogs and Get-AzureADGraphLogs:
- Changed the output directory names for the Audit and Sign-in logs to make it clearer which folders contain what logs.
- Accepted pull request by angry-bender, which added the split by time feature to Get-AzureADAuditLogs with a 12-hour interval (larger dataset than SignInLogs).
- Both Graph and AD collections for the audit logs and sign-in logs now support date and time instead of only date.
- Added error handling to the Graph and AD functionalities to retry if they fail, ensuring all data is collected.
- The functionality Get-Email now supports an input text file containing multiple message IDs, and the functionality will download all messages.