An Tic Tac Toe client which can be played over SMS.
The project was created at the Hackday 2022.
We use twilio to send the SMS. Therefore you need to create a twilio account and set up the "Mesage/SMS" feature.
Note: For testing purpose you can use the trial version of twilio.
Afterwards you have to paste the credentials in a file named config.json
"username": "TWILIO_USERNAME",
"password": "TWILIO_PASSOWRD",
"phonenumber": "TWILIO_PHONENUMBER"
Now you can run the server:
go run main.go
You may want to use ngrok to expose the them to the internet.
The URL has to be set as a SMS webhook for your phonenumber in the twilio console to receive the SMS someone sends to the twilio phonenumber.
Note: In case you use the trial account you have to verify all phonenumbers who sends a SMS to your twilio phonenumber first. See also the twilio docs for this.