pxtorem-css is a command line interface tool that converts pixel values to rem values in any CSS file. This tool is built using pure Node.js and comes with several advanced features to help you save time when writing CSS code.
- Converts px to rem in CSS files quickly and easily
- Allows you to choose the CSS directory and output directory
- Enables you to include and exclude specific CSS files for conversion
- Allows you to ignore specific CSS attributes that you don't want to convert
- You can customize the tool's options with a pxtorem.config.json file in your project
- Can be installed both locally and globally using npm/
npm i pxtorem-css
npm i -g pxtorem-css
$ pxtorem [options]
-init,--init [type] Init pxtorem options json (preset: "pxtorem.config.json")
-s, --size [type] Select html size (default: "16", preset: "16")
-d, --dir [type...] Select css directory (default: ["/"], preset: "/")
-t, --type [type] Select css ext type example: .scss (default: ".css", preset: ".css")
-i, --ignore [type...] Ignore css attribute (default: [], preset: [])
-r, --replace [type] For replace file name (default: false, preset: false)
-o, --output [type] Output directory (default: "", preset: "")
-in, --include [type...] For include css file path (default: [], preset: [])
-ex, --exclude [type...] For exclue css file path (default: [], preset: [])
-c, --config [type] For json config file (default: "", preset: "")
-h, --help display help for command
$ pxtorem
: change all directories css file.
$ pxtorem -d public/css
: change all css file inside public/css dir.
$ pxtorem -d public/css -t .scss
: change all .scss extname file inside public/css dir.
$ pxtorem -d public/css -t .scss -o public/remcss
: change all .scss extname file inside public/css dir and write file to public/remcss dir.
$ pxtorem -d public/css -i box-shadow margin-left padding-left
: change all css file inside public/css dir except box-shadow margin-left padding-left attribute px.
$ pxtorem -d public/css -r my/name/rem/.ext
: change all css filename example: style.css to mystylerem.css and you must follow this pattern {your custom text before name}/name/{your custom text after name}/.ext
$ pxtorem -c pxtorem.json
: Customize your options with json file in your project folder
$ pxtorem -init
: generate pxtorem.config.json (or you can give custom name by passing value after -init) into your project folder
"size": "16",
"dir": ["public/css"],
"type": ".css",
"ignore": ["margin", "padding", "box-shadow"],
"replace": "{your custom word}/name/{your custom word}/.ext",
"output": "",
"include": [],
"exclude": []
If you want to contribute or report any bug, you welcome
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