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Support saving multiple energy results per simulation
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If there are multiple sets of energies per simulations such as in the case of having multiple signal excitations,
the energies are saved as a list under each layer key in `project_result.json`.

`produce_epr_table` script is refactored to add a `result_id` column and save all results on separate lines in the csv

MER corrections are read from file if they already exist
  • Loading branch information
Tuomas Myllari committed Oct 16, 2024
1 parent 350852a commit 83c8d09
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Expand Up @@ -1773,7 +1773,7 @@ def get_energy_integrals(path: Path | str) -> dict:
energy_data, energy_layer_data = Path(path) / "energy.dat", Path(path) / "energy.dat.names"
energies = pd.read_csv(energy_data, sep=r"\s+", header=None).values.flatten()
energies = pd.read_csv(energy_data, sep=r"\s+", header=None).transpose().values.squeeze().tolist()

energy_layers = []
with open(energy_layer_data, encoding="utf-8") as fp:
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,11 @@
region_corrections = pp_data.get("region_corrections", {})

def _get_ith(d, i):
"""gets the ith element of a list that also works for scalars"""
return d[i] if isinstance(d, (list, tuple)) else d

def get_mer_coefficients(simulation, region):
returns the MER coefficients for certain path and saves the loaded coefficients in a separate json file.
Expand All @@ -62,27 +67,56 @@ def get_mer_coefficients(simulation, region):
if correction_key is None:
return None

corr_key = "_" + correction_key
corr_file = {f for f in correction_files if corr_key in f and simulation.startswith(f[: f.find(corr_key)])}
if len(corr_file) > 1:
corr_file = {f for f in corr_file if simulation == f[: f.find(corr_key)]}
if not corr_file:
print(f"Expected correction file not found with keys {simulation} and {correction_key}.")
return None
if len(corr_file) > 1:
print(f"Multiple matching correction files found with keys {simulation} and {correction_key}.")
return None
correction_file = f"coefficients_{simulation}_{region}.json"
# Load the correction file if it already exists
if os.path.isfile(correction_file):
with open(correction_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
coefficient = json.load(f)
corr_key = "_" + correction_key
corr_file = {f for f in correction_files if corr_key in f and simulation.startswith(f[: f.find(corr_key)])}
if len(corr_file) > 1:
corr_file = {f for f in corr_file if simulation == f[: f.find(corr_key)]}
if not corr_file:
print(f"Expected correction file not found with keys {simulation} and {correction_key}.")
return None
if len(corr_file) > 1:
print(f"Multiple matching correction files found with keys {simulation} and {correction_key}.")
return None

with open(corr_file.pop(), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
res = json.load(f)
mer_keys = [k for k, _ in res.items() if "mer" in k and k.startswith("E_")]

# always use the first signal excitation for corrections
mer_total = sum(_get_ith(res[k], 0) for k in mer_keys)
coefficient = {
group: sum(_get_ith(res[k], 0) for k in mer_keys if group.lower() in k.lower()) / mer_total
for group in groups

with open(correction_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump(coefficient, f)

with open(corr_file.pop(), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
res = json.load(f)
mer_keys = [k for k, v in res.items() if "mer" in k and k.startswith("E_")]
mer_total = sum(res[k] for k in mer_keys)
coefficient = {group: sum(res[k] for k in mer_keys if group.lower() in k.lower()) / mer_total for group in groups}
return coefficient

with open(f"coefficients_{simulation}_{region}.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump(coefficient, f)

return coefficient
def get_results_list(results):
"""Transforms a single dictionary with list values to a list of dictionaries with scalar values"""
energy_results = {
k: v for k, v in results.items() if k.startswith("E_") or k.startswith("Exy_") or k.startswith("Ez_")

num_results_list = [len(v) if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) else 1 for _, v in energy_results.items()]
num_results = min(num_results_list)
if any((n != num_results for n in num_results_list)):
print(f"Varying number of energy results in project_results.json. Will only use the first {num_results}")

results_list = []
for result_i in range(num_results):
results_list.append({k: _get_ith(v, result_i) for k, v in energy_results.items()})

return results_list

# Find data files
Expand All @@ -96,102 +130,111 @@ def get_mer_coefficients(simulation, region):
# Find parameters that are swept
definition_files = [f.replace("_project_results.json", ".json") for f in result_files]
parameters, parameter_values = find_varied_parameters(definition_files)
parameters = ["result_index"] + parameters

# Load result data
epr_dict = {}
for key, result_file in zip(parameter_values.keys(), result_files):
for original_key, result_file in zip(list(parameter_values.keys()), result_files):
with open(result_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
result = json.load(f)

energy = {k[2:]: v for k, v in result.items() if k.startswith("E_")}

def _sum_value(_dict, _key, _addition):
_dict[_key] = _dict.get(_key, 0.0) + _addition

# add sheet energies if 'sheet_approximations' are available
if "sheet_approximations" in pp_data:
xy_energy = {k[4:]: v for k, v in result.items() if k.startswith("Exy_")}
z_energy = {k[3:]: v for k, v in result.items() if k.startswith("Ez_")}

# read layers and material_dict data to determine sheet background materials
with open(f"{key}.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
sim_data = json.load(f)
sheet_layers = [(k, d) for k, d in sim_data["layers"].items() if k in xy_energy or k in z_energy]
eps_r_dict = {k: d["permittivity"] for k, d in sim_data["material_dict"].items() if "permittivity" in d}
bg_key = {k: d.get("background", "unknown_sheet_background") for k, d in sheet_layers}
bg_eps_r = {k: eps_r_dict.get(d.get("material"), 1.0) for k, d in sheet_layers}

for k, d in pp_data["sheet_approximations"].items():
if "thickness" not in d:
print(f'"thickness" missing from sheet_approximations["{k}"]')
eps_r = d["eps_r"]

for xy_k, xy_v in xy_energy.items():
if k in xy_k:
_sum_value(energy, xy_k, xy_v * d["thickness"] * eps_r)
_sum_value(energy, bg_key[xy_k], -xy_v * d["thickness"] * bg_eps_r[xy_k])

for z_k, z_v in z_energy.items():
if k in z_k:
_sum_value(energy, z_k, z_v * d["thickness"] * (bg_eps_r[z_k] ** 2) / eps_r)
_sum_value(energy, bg_key[z_k], -z_v * d["thickness"] * bg_eps_r[z_k])

elif any(k.startswith("Exy_") or k.startswith("Ez_") for k in result.keys()):
'Results contain boundary energies, but no "sheet_approximation" is defined. ',
"Boundary energies will be ignored in EPR",

total_energy = sum(energy.values())
if total_energy == 0.0:
print(f'Total energy 0 for simulation "{key}". No EPRs will be written.')

if not groups:
# calculate EPR corresponding to each energy integral
epr_dict[key] = {f"p_{k}": v / total_energy for k, v in energy.items()}
elif not region_corrections:
# use EPR groups to combine layers
epr_dict[key] = {
f"p_{group}": sum(v for k, v in energy.items() if group in k) / total_energy for group in groups
# calculate corrected EPRs and distinguish by partition regions
epr_dict[key] = {}
for reg, corr in region_corrections.items():
reg_energy = {k: v for k, v in energy.items() if reg in k}

coefficients = get_mer_coefficients(key, reg)
if coefficients is None:
f"p_{group}_{reg}": sum(v for k, v in reg_energy.items() if group in k) / total_energy
for group in groups
f"p_{group}_{reg}": coefficients[group] * sum(reg_energy.values()) / total_energy
for group in groups

# distinguish regions not included in region_corrections with 'default' key
def_energy = {k: v for k, v in energy.items() if all(reg not in k for reg in region_corrections.keys())}
f"p_{group}_default": sum(v for k, v in def_energy.items() if group in k) / total_energy
for group in groups
result_json = json.load(f)

results_list = get_results_list(result_json)
original_params = parameter_values.pop(original_key)
for result_id, result in enumerate(results_list, 1):
energy = {k[2:]: v for k, v in result.items() if k.startswith("E_")}

# Add result index if we have multiple results
key = original_key + ("_" + str(result_id) if len(results_list) > 1 else "")
# duplicate params for each result in the json and add the result index
parameter_values[key] = [result_id] + original_params

def _sum_value(_dict, _key, _addition):
_dict[_key] = _dict.get(_key, 0.0) + _addition

# add sheet energies if 'sheet_approximations' are available
if "sheet_approximations" in pp_data:
xy_energy = {k[4:]: v for k, v in result.items() if k.startswith("Exy_")}
z_energy = {k[3:]: v for k, v in result.items() if k.startswith("Ez_")}

# read layers and material_dict data to determine sheet background materials
with open(f"{original_key}.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
sim_data = json.load(f)
sheet_layers = [(k, d) for k, d in sim_data["layers"].items() if k in xy_energy or k in z_energy]
eps_r_dict = {k: d["permittivity"] for k, d in sim_data["material_dict"].items() if "permittivity" in d}
bg_key = {k: d.get("background", "unknown_sheet_background") for k, d in sheet_layers}
bg_eps_r = {k: eps_r_dict.get(d.get("material"), 1.0) for k, d in sheet_layers}

for k, d in pp_data["sheet_approximations"].items():
if "thickness" not in d:
print(f'"thickness" missing from sheet_approximations["{k}"]')
eps_r = d["eps_r"]

for xy_k, xy_v in xy_energy.items():
if k in xy_k:
_sum_value(energy, xy_k, xy_v * d["thickness"] * eps_r)
_sum_value(energy, bg_key[xy_k], -xy_v * d["thickness"] * bg_eps_r[xy_k])

for z_k, z_v in z_energy.items():
if k in z_k:
_sum_value(energy, z_k, z_v * d["thickness"] * (bg_eps_r[z_k] ** 2) / eps_r)
_sum_value(energy, bg_key[z_k], -z_v * d["thickness"] * bg_eps_r[z_k])

elif any(k.startswith("Exy_") or k.startswith("Ez_") for k in result.keys()):
'Results contain boundary energies, but no "sheet_approximation" is defined. ',
"Boundary energies will be ignored in EPR",

total_energy = sum(energy.values())
if total_energy == 0.0:
print(f'Total energy 0 for simulation "{key}". No EPRs will be written.')

if not groups:
# calculate EPR corresponding to each energy integral
epr_dict[key] = {f"p_{k}": v / total_energy for k, v in energy.items()}
elif not region_corrections:
# use EPR groups to combine layers
epr_dict[key] = {
f"p_{group}": sum(v for k, v in energy.items() if group in k) / total_energy for group in groups

# total EPR by groups
{f"p_{group}": sum(v for k, v in epr_dict[key].items() if group in k) for group in groups}

epr_dict[key]["E_total"] = total_energy
# calculate corrected EPRs and distinguish by partition regions
epr_dict[key] = {}
for reg, corr in region_corrections.items():
reg_energy = {k: v for k, v in energy.items() if reg in k}

coefficients = get_mer_coefficients(original_key, reg)
if coefficients is None:
f"p_{group}_{reg}": sum(v for k, v in reg_energy.items() if group in k) / total_energy
for group in groups
f"p_{group}_{reg}": coefficients[group] * sum(reg_energy.values()) / total_energy
for group in groups

# distinguish regions not included in region_corrections with 'default' key
def_energy = {k: v for k, v in energy.items() if all(reg not in k for reg in region_corrections.keys())}
f"p_{group}_default": sum(v for k, v in def_energy.items() if group in k) / total_energy
for group in groups

# total EPR by groups
{f"p_{group}": sum(v for k, v in epr_dict[key].items() if group in k) for group in groups}

epr_dict[key]["E_total"] = total_energy

tabulate_into_csv(f"{os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(path))}_epr.csv", epr_dict, parameters, parameter_values)

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