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SlidenPlot: Interactive web-based calculations with sliders and instant results plotting

A Javascript library to create single page web applications with interactive inputs and instant result plotting. The library depends on d3 and d3-simple-slider.



Live demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
     .line {fill: none; stroke-width: 2.5px;}
     .flex-container {display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap;}
    <p><em>Example slider application</em></p>
    <div class="flex-container">
      <div id="inputs"></div> <div id="results"></div>

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
    <script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
     var my_app = SlidenPlotApp();
     my_app.add_float_slider("#inputs", "A", "Amplitude", 1, 0.1, 10);
     my_app.add_float_slider("#inputs", "f", "Frequency", 2, 0.1, 10);
     my_app.add_float_slider("#inputs", "p", "Phase", 0, 0, 2*Math.PI);
     my_app.add_radio_buttons("#inputs", "ftype", "Function", ["Sine", "Cosine"], "Sine");
     my_app.add_check_box("#inputs", "damping", "Damping", true);

     function my_callback(data) {
       var n = 200, x = [], y = [];
       for (var i=0; i<n; i++) {
         var lx = i/(n+0)*4*Math.PI,
           func = data.ftype === "Sine" ? Math.sin : Math.cos,
           ly = data.A*func(data.f*lx+data.p);
         if (data.damping) ly = Math.exp(-lx/10)*ly;
       plot_xy("#results", [[x, y]],
           options={ legend: [data.ftype],
                title: "Sample Plot",
                x_label: "Time [s]",
                y_label: "Pressure [Pa]"});

API Documentation

SlidenPlotApp object

Create an application object: var my_app = SlidenPlotApp();

This object has the following methods:

add_float_slider(selector, short_name, long_name, starting_value, min, max, options)

Add a floating point slider and a connected input box to the HTML element given by selector. short_name is used to access the values, long_name is used as the input label, starting_value gives the initial value of the slider, min and max are the limits of the sliders. Moving the slider updates the input box and vice versa. The input box allows for more decimal places and is treated as the authoritative value. Only floating point values equal to min or max or between min and max are accepted in the input box. The optional options argument can have the following properties:

  • slider_width: the width of the slider in pixels
  • input_width: the width of the input box in pixels
  • font_size: the font size of the text
  • fill: a fill color for the slider
  • info_text: adds the text as a small info pop-up for the slider
  • info_text_size: text size of the info text
  • text_format: The d3 format of the input box's value
  • margin: The margins surrounding the input area. Given as a css string.

add_radio_buttons(selector, short_name, long_name, button_names, starting_value, options)

Add a set of radio buttons to the HTML element given by selector. short_name is used to access the values, long_name is used as the input label, button_names is an array of strings giving the button names. The button names are also used as the input value. starting_value can be the value of one of the buttons to make that button initially selected. The optional options argument can have the following properties:

  • font_size: the font size of the text
  • inline: Whether the radio buttons should be on the same line (true) or separate lines (false)
  • margin: The margins surrounding the radio buttons. Given as a css string.

add_check_box(selector, short_name, long_name, starting_value)

Add a check box input to the HTML element given by selector. short_name is used to access the values, long_name is used as the input label, and if starting_value is true the box will be check initially.

add_input_box(target, short_name, long_name, starting_value, options)

Adds an input box to the HTML element given by selector. short_name is used to access the values, long_name is used as the input label, and starting_value is the initial value inside of the input box. The optional options argument can have the following properties:

  • input_width: The width of the input box in pixels
  • font_size: The font size of the text
  • min: The minimum value allowed
  • max: The maximum value allowed
  • step: The step interval of the input box
  • text_format: The d3 format of the input box's value
  • inline: Whether the input label and the input box should be on the same line (true) or separate lines (false)
  • margin: The margins surrounding the input area. Given as a css string.
  • info_text: adds the text as a small info pop-up for the slider
  • info_text_size: text size of the info text
  • info_text_width: The pixel width of the info text pop-up

add_drop_down(target, short_name, long_name, selections, options

Adds a drop-down box to the HTML element given by selector. short_name is used to access the values, long_name is used as the label, and selections is an array of possible options that the drop down contains. The optional options argument can have the following properties:

  • font-size: The font size of the text
  • margin: The margins surround the input area. Given as a css string.


Register a user written function to be called when the value of any input changes. The function should take a single value as an argument. When this function is called the argument is an object with parameters given by the short_name of each input and the values are the current values of each input.


Return the values of the inputs as an object where the properties are the short_names of the inputs and the values are the current values of the inputs. This function is automatically called before the user specified callback function is invoked. It is not typically necessary to call this function but it is available for testing.


Sets the values of the plot's input elements according to the data parameter. data is a dictionary mapping the short names of the elements to their new value(s).


The plot_xy function is provided to simplify creating x,y plots with d3.

plot_xy(selector, data_sets, options)

Add a two dimensional plot to the HTML element given by selector. data_sets should be an array of arrays of x and y value arrays. The optional options argument can have the following properties:

  • x_label: a label for the x axis.
  • y_label: a label for the y axis.
  • xmin xmax ymin ymax: the upper and lower limits of the x and y axes. If this is not specified the limits are determined automatically.
  • axhlines: an array of y-values giving locations to plot horizontal lines.
  • axvlines: an array of x-values giving locations to plot vertical lines.
  • dashlen: If specified, makes the horizontal and vertical lines dashed, with each dash being dashlen pixels long
  • line_width: The width of the plotted lines pixels
  • title: a title, rendered above the chart.
  • colors: An array containing strings of colors, either in hexadecimal form or standard form ('blue', 'red', etc). Each data set is given a color according to this scale. The default is d3.schemeCategory10.
  • color_index: The starting index into colors. The default is 0.
  • legend: an array of strings giving the name of each data_set. A color marker and the data_set name are written to the same HTML element as the plot.
  • grid: add an x,y grid to the plot.
  • logx: whether to scale the x-axis logarithmically
  • logy: whether to scale the y-axis logarithmically
  • width: width of the plot
  • height: height of the plot
  • title_size: font size of the title
  • axes_size: font size of axes' ticks
  • label_size: font size of the labels for the axes
  • padding: a dictionary mapping top, right, bottom, and left to their respective paddings
  • circles: An array of arrays of x and y values. Draws a circle on the plot for each (x, y) point in the array.
  • circle_color: the color of the plotted circles.
  • graph_text: text to be displayed on the graph.
  • graph_text_location: an array containing an x and y value that determines the location of graph_text in pixels relative to the plot. [0, 0] represents the top-left corner of the plot, with x-values increasing to the left and y-values increasing downwards.
  • graph_text_size: font size of graph_text
  • opacity: An array containing floats from 0 - 1 for each inputted dataset. The opacity of the plot of each dataset is set to the respective array element (of the same index).
  • show_datapoints: A single boolean or an array of booleans indicating whether datapoints should be drawn for the plots. If a single boolean and true, draws datapoints for every plot. Else, draws datapoints for the plots where the boolean at the respective index is true.

A second y-axis, on the right-side of the plot, can be added by specifying these properties in the options argument:

  • right_y_scale: if this factor is given a right-side y-axis is rendered scaled by this factor relative to the left-side y-axis. Only one of right_y_scale or right_data can be specified in a given plot.
  • right_data: data sets to plot on the right-side y-axis. The format is the same as data_sets. Only one of right_y_scale or right_data can be specified in a given plot.
  • y2_label: a label for the right-side y axis.
  • y2min and y2max: the limits of the right-side y-axis. If this is omitted the scale is determined automatically.
  • ax2hlines: an array of y-values giving locations to plot horizontal lines on the right-side y axis.
  • ax2hline_color: a color index for the horizontal line.


Interactive inputs and plotting in JavaScript







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