- configure:
cmake -B build/
- compile:
cmake --build build/
- run:
CMake will automatically clone and build the SFML dependency.
Uses the original sprite sheet from the 1981 arcade game. There is a lot I want to add, but was too large a scope for regular class assignment. May revisit this at some point.
Current features are only the minimal required by the grading rubric, there is still a bit to be done before I would consider it a 'full game'.
Future features I would like to have:
- Score system
- HUD overlay for lives / score counter
- Centipede collision with the player
- Animations for all characters
- Change the laser system to that of the original game (only one laser on screen at a time)
- Redesign of the game loop, cleanup of tick based simulation
Big thanks to these blog posts by the RetroGame Deconstruction Zone: