"email": "admin@gmail.com",
"password": "1234",
"name": "admin",
"role": "Admin (roleId: 1)",
"status": "approved",
"email": "blogger@gmail.com",
"password": "1234",
"name": "blogger",
"role": "Blogger (roleId: 2)",
"status": "normal",
"email": "new@gmail.com",
"password": "1234",
"name": "new",
"role": "User (roleId: 2)",
"status": "normal",
Travel Blog is a dynamic web platform that connects travel enthusiasts and bloggers. Users can share their travel experiences, engage with other travelers through likes and comments, and manage their content through an intuitive interface.
- Create and publish travel blogs
- Upload images and rich text content
- Engage with readers through comments
- Track post engagement (likes, comments)
- Choose between Basic and Pro subscription plans
- Approve new blogger applications
- Monitor platform statistics
- Manage user accounts
- Review content moderation
- Responsive design
- User authentication
- Social interactions (likes, comments)
- Real-time updates
- Image upload support
Feel free to reach out for questions or collaboration:
- GitHub: @jamalihassan0307
- LinkedIn: Jamali Hassan
Special thanks to:
- MockAPI for backend services
- Font Awesome for icons
- All contributors and supporters