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Anatomy of a Better Rolls card

javier Rivera edited this page Sep 7, 2023 · 2 revisions

The Better Rolls 2 for Savage Worlds module cards provides a lot of useful information that will be detailed below:


1. Header section

The header section shows basic information on the roll:

  1. Actors name and portrait (clicking the portrait will open the character sheet)
  2. Used item, skill, or power. Also linked to the target (with the exception of attributes). NEW Feature in V2.1: You can now repeat the whole roll with the arrow next to the name.
  3. Any notes regarding the used item, skill, or power – if none are present the used skill will be displayed.

2. Basic information section

This section shows basic information and modifications. The header and basic info section are the only ones displayed, before a roll is made.

  1. Description: This drop down field will display the description of the item, skill or power selected.
  2. Skill + Level: You can extend the skill description here. This is only applicable for weapon or power rolls.
  3. Global actions: Some items might have global actions attached to it. This is still in development but will provide options like “Wild Attack” or options to modify ammo or power points.
  4. More options: In more options you can set a value for a modifier (positive and negatives values are allowed) as well as the TN for this roll – you can change this data later as well.

3. Roll section

The roll section shows the “meat” of the roll and provides some options to interact with your roll:

  1. Older rolls will show all rolls done on that card until now, usually through the usage of Bennies or rerolls (will only be displayed if there are older rolls). You can select an older result to proceed with a damage roll if needed.
  2. Rolls: This section is expandable and will usually only show the rolled dice and will strikethrough the lower value. Next to the dice symbols you see two buttons:
    1. The reroll button will repeat the current roll with the same modifiers for free
    2. The benny button will repeat the current roll with the same modifiers and will also spend a Benny. Gamemaster controlled Wild Cards will first use up their own, before using the Gamemaster Bennies.

While expanding, a table will show the results of the dice as well as any applied modifications. Better Roll2 can recognize Distracted on the acting character, Vulnerable on the targeted actors, it will factor in the modification provided in "More options" and will also add the modifications done in the modifiers menu right above the chat box. If you missed a modifier, hit the plus symbol in the upper left of the table to add it later:

Roll Status

4. Result section

The result section will compare the result with the TN and give a first indication if the roll has been a Critical Failure, a Failure, a Success and one or more Raises.

  1. You can directly edit the TN by clicking the edit symbol (the one with the pen) OR
  2. You can also “Get the TN from the target” actor by clicking the target icon (only works with melee weapons) OR
  3. You can get the TN from the selected actor by clicking the icon to the right (only works with melee weapons).

5. Damage section

The damage section will allow you to roll damage or raise damage, roll it and compare it to the target’s Toughness (if a target is selected). It will also show the AP value of the weapon. By expanding that option you can also see, which dice rolled which number and you are also able to throw an additional d6 of damage (in case you forgot the raise) or you can add the Toughness of the target into the roll. If a target is selected, you also have the option to apply the damage (not shown in this overview).

NOTE: Although it is possible to select multiple targets with one attack (like Sweep, Frenzy or Weapons with a RoF > 1), damage will only be rolled and applied to a single target.

6. Stat section

The small section below the damage section will provide vital information on the active item. While attribute and skills will only provide attribute information like values or linked attributes, weapons will show more details like Range, ROF, Damage and so on, while powers will provide information on Power Points, Range and Duration.