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Material Settings

Ron Jensen edited this page Aug 26, 2020 · 7 revisions

There are two kinds of materials in Poser files

Poser 4 materials

Poser Property                           Blender Principled BSDF Shader
  KdColor 0.148503 0.233375 0.975402 1   ### Base Color
  KaColor 0 0 0 1                        ### Worthless
  KsColor 0.142015 0.054384 0.168993 1   ### TODO: Specular Tint = Saturation(KsColor) 
  TextureColor 1 1 1 1
  NsExponent 50                          ### TODO: NsExponent/100 into specular value
  tMin 0                                 ### TODO: Minimum transparency? 
  tMax 0                                 ### 1-Alpha
  tExpo 0.6                              ### TODO: Change between transparencies?
  bumpStrength 1                         ### bump strength
  ksIgnoreTexture 0
  reflectThruLights 1
  reflectThruKd 0
  textureMap NO_MAP                     ### Texture Map
  bumpMap NO_MAP                        ### Bump Map
  reflectionMap NO_MAP
  transparencyMap NO_MAP                ### Transparent Map
  ReflectionColor 1 1 1 1               
  reflectionStrength 1                  ### TODO: roughness = 1-reflectionStrength

Poser 3 and below uses just a subset of these entries

Poser 5+ Shader Tree materials

Poser uses a shader tree similar to, but very different from, Blender's Cycles/Eevee node based shader

Poser 11

Integrated the Cycles rendering engine and introduced a "Physical Surface" node similar to Blender's Principled BDSF shader, as well as other shader nodes familiar to Blender users. It may be possible to export the Principled BDSF directly to a Poser format without too much effort.