Raspberry Pi Vision Experiments for FRC
Based on https://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/currentCS/m/vision/l/687863-off-board-vision-processing-in-java
If you have the Raspberry Pi connected to the web you can perform these steps on the box itself.
- Set up a new folder for development. In that folder, clone this project:
git clone https://github.com/jgkatz/frc-rpi-vision.git
I originally set up the project by pulling in the vision sample code from FRC at https://github.com/wpilibsuite/VisionBuildSamples.git, then configured build.gradle for arm-raspbian and main.java for a usb camera.
- For some reason the example build.gradle does not include the dependencies necessary for running the vision pipeline. In build.grade, change
dependencies {
compile ntcoreDep()
compile cscoreDep()
compile 'org.opencv:opencv-java:3.1.0'
dependencies {
compile ntcoreDep()
compile cscoreDep()
compile 'org.opencv:opencv-java:3.1.0'
// This next line adds the latest wpilib artifact
compile 'edu.wpi.first.wpilibj:athena:+'
- Add the pipeline code to the project
cd Java/src/main
mkdir gripvision
Copy the generated pipeline code into the folder. There's an existing one there already.
- If you're not running on the robot network you might want to comment out the code that connects to the NetworkTable server in main.java
// Connect NetworkTables, and get access to the publishing table
// NetworkTable.setClientMode();
// // Set your team number here
// NetworkTable.setTeam(9999);
// NetworkTable.initialize();
- After that should be possible to build and run:
./gradlew build
cd output
sh runCameraVision