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JHipster Dotnet 🔥

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JHipster generator


JHipster is a development platform to quickly generate, develop & deploy modern web applications & microservice architectures.

JHipster Dotnet will help you to start your project, by generating step by step only what you need.

  • you will only generate the code you want, no additional unused code


We use the dotnet CLI to format our code

To launch format all code:

  • go to the src folder which contains the ".editorconfig" file
  • run in command prompt: dotnet format

Generate your project

Go to https://localhost:7107, select your option and generate the code you want, step by step, and only what you need.

If needed more advanced features, go to https://localhost:7107/swagger/index.html and use your own JSON to generate the code you want. Here an example:

   "folder": "C:/Sample",
   "namespace": "sample",
   "projectName": "SampleProject",
   "sslPort": "12345"

You can use the different existing APIs to:

  • init the project


  • Sonar analysis


  • Blazor

Continuous Integration:

  • GitHub Actions