Using Koa2 and base on Evernote API,publish your Evernote notes to personal website as blog.
git clone git@github.com:jiangfb/elephantBlog.git
cd elephantBlog/config
//duplicate index.sample.js and rename to index.js
//config value
module.exports = {
//server port
port: 3000,
/* if YXBJ set true,evernote set false */
china: true,
/* change to false when you are ready to switch to production */
sandbox: false,
/* config which one notebook's content can be displayed in your blog. */
blogNoteBookName: '大象博客',//default name
evernote(YXBJ) development token ,
apply from https://app.yinxiang.com/api/DeveloperToken.action
token: 'Your evernote development token',
//In the evernote app, create a new notebook named as '大象博客' or you configured just now
npm i
npm start //http://localhost:3000
- change layout or menu
./view>components>layout.njk/menu.njk- change UI
Modify enml2html.js to parse the Evernote enml,it will save note's picture to static folder to prevent encounter error when get pictures from a unshare note.
All the data from api response have already cached,i.e.,notes list cached 10 minutes,note content cached 30 minutes; (./evernote/api/elephantBlogApi.js)