A simple Java library for loading ESRI Shapefiles.
ESRI Shapefile Technical Description
Shapefiles consist of a minimum of 2 files:
- .shp the main file, containing the feature data.
- .shx the index file, with offsets and lengths into the main file for each record.
An optional database file:
- .dbf the dBASE file, basically a table with any number of columns of metadata for each record in the main file.
An optional project file:
- .prj the Project file, contains map projection info.
- Load geometries from a shapefile:
InputStream mainInputStream = getMainInputStream(); // Enter your own implementation here!
Shapefile shapefile = new Shapefile(mainInputStream);
// Read the entire geometry collection from the shapefile.
GeometryCollection geometryCollection = shapefile.read(new GeometryFactory());
- Read a specific record from a shapefile, including metadata:
// User clicks on a polyline on the map, returning the unique index into the geometry collection.
Geometry geometry = getClickedData(); // Enter your own implementation here!
// User data should have been set during read (as the record index from zero, including zero).
UserData userData = new UserData(geometry.getUserData());
int recordIndex = userData.toInt();
// Now read the record from the .dbf file.
InputStream dbfStream = getDbfInputStream(); // Enter your own implementation here!
DBASEReader reader = new DBASEReader();
List<DBField> fields = reader.readRecord(
- Stream geometries asynchronously:
Callable<GeometryCollection> readTask = () -> {
InputStream mainFileInputStream = getInputStream(); // Enter your own implementation here!
Shapefile shapefile = new Shapefile(mainFileInputStream);
List<Geometry> geometries = new ArrayList<>();
shapefile.stream(new GeometryFactory(), (geometry) -> geometries.add(geometry));
return new GeometryFactory().createGeometryCollection(geometries.toArray(new Geometry[geometries.size()]));
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
Future<GeometryCollection> future = executorService.submit(readLines);
while (!future.isDone()) {
GeometryCollection geometryCollection = future.get();