Improvements to speed up inbox clearing and ledger workflows (v0.13.0)
note-taking system
Create own org systems for work (5194325 )
Add quick way to create a note in a project/area (082e866 & aa86154 )
Move project status markers into env vars (63b668f )
Make progress journal easily acessible (32b8c24 )
Create script to create LDR from template (in lf) (f5cebe3 )
Move file to designs shortcut (55c3785 )
Add state to resume inbox clearing session from (fa4b806 )
Remove jd project and design directories (fea8ef0 )
Create lib to fix missing cents automatically & better dates (21305be )
Create script for paying 50/50 (91c5431 )
Improve battery notification by targeting internal/external battery (7351f66 )
Write util script to generate idea list (c5ba421 )
Move project deadline generation into cron (587ba4e )
Add autocompletion to post script (1b420cb )
Replace broken mp3cut with ffmpeg for cutting mp3s (95620a5 )
Optimize emoji-picker for performance and offline use (b11d2d5 )
Replace comand -v with hash for check if binary exists (53d2f71 )
Fix new-day opening new window, but executing in old window (84efadb )
Replace fkill package with script (38b69c5 )
Add trading scripts (aa1e4ab )
Upgrade tsserver naming deprecation (3ed637a )
Toggle light mode theme automatically (7908b32 )
Make kitty + nvim light mode work (ebc0550 )
Broken ^m presumably after kitty update (802bde5 )
Add extrakto plugin (e908d48 )
Couple lf open location to tmux session (7286449 )
tp script not attaching to running session (9f24735 )
tmux per session configuration
Fix warnings on startup (66df522 )
Different status lines per session (2110058 )
Apply tmux config after session init (ed0a962 )
Customize status bar based per session (771309c )
Show session naming after switching (b3fc7a3 )
Remove chafa image preview and uberzug on mac (c642708 )
Create shortcut for moving notes into other inboxes/project/area (aca4680 )
Remove dynamic filtering based on time and tmux session (fd39799 )
Make killlf work across all tmux sessions (60ccc34 )
Sort newsletters by number (66101fb )
Keep the cursor on the project while changing status (f3ccc6d )
Filter org project by working hours and tmux session (bd23280 )
Change local archive to not archive projects with status (9170fcf )
Create post for selected lang (8b70232 )
Create rofi script to insert post links (572ad05 )
Pass custom archetypes when creating a post based on category (4a00ada )
Add newsletter numbering to new post script (ea26ac0 )
other applications
emacs: Add org-tempo for snippets (8cd3ffa )
git: gho script not working for all remote urls (c9d2e6b )
conky: Revert compositor changes (8ca93e4 )
xorg: Disable compositor after brave bug was fixed (ca7c019 )
Apply user group to phpunit tests (1a602cb )
Make more WEB locations available through env vars (6d6a0a7 )
Update bluelight alias with autocomplete (c1c9a94 )
Upgrade ncmpcpp to regular pkg after new release (ffbe6b2 )
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