Jordan Bui (BroncoID: 011821368)
CPP Fall 2020
CS 3310 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Implementations for Peaks and Valleys and Build Order
This program sorts an array by peaks and valleys by checking every two array indexes.
- Starts at array index 1, second element, and checks in the previous element is smaller than the current. If it is smaller, swap the current element with the previous element, which becomes the new current element.
- Then check if the current element is smaller than the element to the right. If it is larger than the element on the right, swap the elements.
- Prints initial array and size then sorts and prints sorted array and sorting time in nanoseconds
Time Complexity:
T(n) = O(n)
Since the sort algorithm contains one for loop that searches all elements in the array, the time complexity is O(n). As the size of the array increases, the program will have more array elements to sort through, increasing runtime.
This program creates an order based on the dependencies.
- Places the projects in a hash map. Uses a queue to traverseand check for dependencies
Time Complexity:
T(n) = O(V + E)
- v = number of vertices
- e = number of edges.
Each vertex is popped from the queue and its adjacent edges are iterated over.