A blazor wrapper for ApexCharts.js
Version v0.6.0 introduces support for all Apex chart types, this comes with a number of breaking changes
- Chart Type is no longer set on chart level
- ApexSeries has been been replaced with ApexPointSeries
- ApexPointSeries take SeriesType to set chart type
- Chart is no longer automatically rerenderd, please use the method SetRerenderChart to flag the chart to be rerendered
Please see the samples for more details.
dotnet add package Blazor-ApexCharts
In _Host.cshtml
(server-side) or in index.html
(client-side) add the following lines to the body
tag after the _framework
<script src="_content/Blazor-ApexCharts/js/apex-charts.min.js"></script>
<script src="_content/Blazor-ApexCharts/js/blazor-apex-charts.js"></script>
Add a reference to Blazor-ApexCharts
in your _Imports.razor
@using ApexCharts;
Apex Chart options is available in the ApexChartOptions class that can be passed to the chart. More info in Apex documentation ApexCharts Docs.