using a connection string (eg. bunker://...
), you can verify and initiaite a new connection to the remote signer relays like so:
/// Your remote signer connection string
final connectionString = "bunker://<remote-pubkey>?relay=<wss://relay-to-connect-on>&relay=<wss://another-relay-to-connect-on>&secret=<optional-secret-value>";
/// The new generated user local key pair to be used to reference the user in remote signer requests.
final localeKeyPair = NostrKeyPairs.generate();
/// The manager instance
final manager = NostrTeamManager(
connectionString: connectionString,
localeKeyPair: localeKeyPair,
/// Connects to the remote signer relays.
await manager.connect();
/// The event template to be signed remotely, notice that the `sig` field is null.
final eventToSignRemotly = NostrEvent(
content: "Hello from dart_nostr package",
kind: 1,
pubkey: localeKeyPair.public,
tags: [],
sig: null,
id: null,
/// The request id to which the remote signer will respond to.
final requestId = "${}_Gwhyyy";
/// The request event that will be sent to the remote signer.
final requestEvent = manager.requestEvent(
id: requestId,
eventToSign: eventToSign,
/// Send the request event to the remote signer relays.
onOk: (relay, ok) {
print('Event sent: $ok');