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im Browser öffnen (getestet in Safari)- Content des Browsers entspricht dem Entscheidungsbaum auf Javascript Code-Basis und kann in folgendem Code (von artistoex http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8368698/how-to-implement-a-decision-tree-in-javascript-looking-for-a-better-solution-th/8369235#8369235) verwendet werden:
DecisionTree = function (predicate, action) {
this.predicate = predicate;
this.action = action;
DecisionTree.prototype = {
nomatch : { match : false },
match : function (v) { return { match : true, result :v }; },
name: "Decision Tree" ,
// Recursively test DecisionTrees and applies corresponding action on
// `object`.
// The action applied depends on the datatype of `action`:
// - Function : evaluates to `action( object )`
// - DecisionTree : A subsequent test is performed. Evaluates to whatever the DecisionTrees action evaluates to.
// - Array of DecisionTrees : Subsequent tests are performed. Evaluates to whatever the action of the first matching DecisionTree evaluates to.
// - Any other Value : Evaluates to itself
// returns object containing fields:
// match: boolean, indicates if DecisionTree was a match
// result: result of action applied
evaluate : function( object ) {
var match = this.predicate;
if ( match instanceof Function )
match = match( object );
if ( match ) {
if (this.action instanceof Function )
return this.match( this.action(object) );
if ( this.action instanceof DecisionTree )
return this.action.evaluate( object );
if ( this.action instanceof Array ) {
var decision;
var result;
for (var c = 0; c < this.action.length; c++ ) {
decision = this.action[c];
if ( decision instanceof DecisionTree ) {
result = decision.evaluate( object );
if (result.match)
return result;
} else throw("Array of DecisionTree expected");
return this.nomatch;
return this.match(this.action);
return this.nomatch;
export const decisionTree = GENERATED_PMML2JS_CODE_HERE