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MerMEId | Source code | Install | Using Docker

PLEASE NOTE: The installation method described below is currently not recommended due to incompatibilities causing Xinclude to fail in Orbeon. Please use the Docker setup instead.

Nine steps towards a MerMEId of your own

Since everything is running inside portable standard server software products, MerMEId itself should be portable. However, we have never installed it on anything but Linux systems. Most scripts used to install and maintain it depend on having ant, /bin/sh and /usr/bin/perl etc that are common in that environment.

First get the code

 git clone


 git clone

Then do the following:

  1. Install Apache HTTPD
  2. Install Apache Tomcat
  3. Install eXist DB
  4. Install Orbeon
  5. Configure MerMEId Form
  6. Configure database
  7. Build MerMEId
  8. Install database
  9. Make the final checks

1. Install Apache HTTPD

The one coming with your operating system should be good enough, but you need to enable a number of modules:

  • mod_proxy
  • mod_proxy_ajp
  • mod_proxy_http
  • mod_headers

2. Install Apache Tomcat

MerMEId consists of software components residing in an Apache Tomcat. The components are working intimately together, in an URI space orchestrated by Apache HTTPD. These are the easy ones (you should be able to use what comes with your operating system)

  • Java 8
  • Apache Tomcat 8 (like 8.0.32 but not too much better)
  • A modern Apache HTTPD (like 2.4 or better)
  • Java build tool Apache Ant (something like version 1.10.*)
  • PERL scripting language (v5.26.*)

Install these using your yum or apt-get or whatever. If your Linux is recent, that will do. You shouldn't need to look at my proposed versions. Configure HTTPD and Tomcat the standard ways, the former should run on port 80, and the latter on 8080. In the following I will refer to your server as



Then copy the file apache-httpd/conf-devel.conf to where your httpd has its virtual host configurations and restart HTTPD.

(On Ubuntu this is /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/, on Red Hat/Cent OS it is /etc/httpd/conf.d/)

Complete this by creating a /home/xml-store directory and a password file there. This will protect the database. You can create the password file like this:

  mkdir /home/xml-store
  cd /home/xml-store
  htpasswd -bc passwordfile first_trusted_user magic_word
  htpasswd -b passwordfile second_trusted_user another_magic_word
  htpasswd -b passwordfile third_trusted_user yet_another_magic_word


There should be a file


and it should be readable to the user running your Apache HTTPD

3. Install eXist DB

There are two components that are less likely to come with your OS, Orbeon and eXist DB.

Use a recent stable release of eXist DB xml database, e.g., use 4.4.0 or better

We install the standard eXist and then build an exist.war.

Copy the exist.war to the tomcat webapps directory


eXist DB password

While you're at it, remember to set password for the eXist DB admin user. Do it under User Manager in eXist DB Dashboard.

If you fail to do this someone out there will use your database for purposes you may not like. OK? I've told you.

4. Install Orbeon

Orbeon FORMS Community Edition (CE). We are still using the fairly old version 4.9. You should still be able to get an orbeon.war for it ready to install in the tomcat.

Copy orbeon.war to the tomcat webapps directory. Tomcat opens war files in its webapps area. You should by now have one directory there called exist and another called orbeon.

In the source code orbeon/ directory you will find a small java (actually, it is a Java Server Pages file) program called mei_form.jsp. You need to install that inside your orbeon.

Make sure that there is a directory called

 <YOUR WEBAPPS directory>/orbeon/xforms-jsp/

Then make a directory called mei-form in there

mkdir  <YOUR WEBAPPS directory>/orbeon/xforms-jsp/mei-form

and then copy

cp [./orbeon/mei_form.jsp](./orbeon/mei_form.jsp) <YOUR WEBAPPS directory>/orbeon/xforms-jsp/mei-form/index.jsp

that is, it should get a new name index.jsp while copying.


5. Configure MerMEId Form

You will find a file in local_config named mermeid_configuration.xml_distro, the beginning of which looks somewhat like


The MerMEId forms and Orbeon need to know where to find stuff. Your task is to copy that file to a name suitable for your local configuration. Like mymermeid. Then edit the file and replace with the name of your server. That is, if you don't try to do something really complicated.


When you are done there should be a file called (something like) mermeid_configuration.xml_mymermeid in local_config

6. Configure database

You will find a file in local_config named login.xqm_distro, which contains code used for logging in before doing sensitive operations in the database. Inside it, there is a function looking like

declare function login:function() as xs:boolean
  let $lgin := xdb:login("/db", "user", "secretpassword")
  return $lgin

This is for the script to authenticate to the database (as, in this case, "user") and "secretpassword"

Your tasks is to copy the login.xqm_distro to login.xqm_mymermeid and replace "user" with "admin" and secretpassword with whatever you chose when you installed eXist DB (see above)


When you are done, there should be a file called login.xqm_mymermeid in local_config. It should contain the password for a user called "admin". Keep that snippet of code private, and don't share it. OK? I haven't been able to figure out anything better.

7. Build MerMEId

Actually, you have now already done all the hard work, and now it remains to run a build using ant.

ant  -Dwebapp.instance=mymermeid

Before you do that you may do

ant clean 

to make sure you start with the source tree in pristine conditions.

What ant does here isn't really a compilation; rather it prepares the source tree for installation by copying files to the places they need to be for running MerMEId.

Also it creates an editor.war in the ./mermeid directory. Install it:

cp ./mermeid/editor.war <YOUR TOMCAT WEBAPPS directory>/


Note that you must do the build before you proceed to install the database.

8. Install database

When you've build MerMEId, you must install the database. Ant is doing that for you using ant command

ant upload -Dwebapp.instance=mymermeid -Dhostport=localhost:8080

It will ask you for the admin password of eXist, the one you set when installing eXist DB.

After all this do

ant clean 

to make sure you leave the source tree in pristine conditions.

Setting execute permissions for database

Note also the text appearing after each set of files having been installed:

     [echo] Remember to make all scripts executable by retrieving:


     [echo] Remember to make all scripts executable by retrieving:

You have to do that in order to give MerMEId execute permissions within eXist DB.

Final Checks