To setup files and the app run
docker-compose run web bundle install
docker-compose run web rails db:create
docker-compose up
Run seed data
docker-compose run web rails db:seed
Login Details
Email: Password 01234Admin
To run test suite
docker-compose run web bundle exec rspec
POST auth/signin
POST auth/signup
"first_name": "simon",
"currency_id": 76,
"last_name": "adama",
"email": "",
"password": "123234566"
GET api/v1/currencies
POST api/v1/currencies
"name": "U.S Dollar",
"abbreviation": "USD"
GET api/v1/transactions
POST api/v1/transactions
"transaction_type": "deposit",
"description": "phone money i am savings",
"amount": 23.21,
"user_id": 99,
"wallet_id": 70,
"currency_id": 80
PATCH api/v1/transactions/24
"confirm": true
DELETE api/v1/transactions/25
GET api/v1/users
GET api/v1/users/1
POST api/v1/users
"first_name": "simon",
"currency_id": 85,
"last_name": "adama",
"email": "",
"password": "123234566"
PATCH api/v1/users/24
"role": "admin",
"active": true
GET api/v1/wallets
GET api/v1/wallets/1
POST api/v1/wallets
"main": false,
"user_id": 109,
"currency_id": 89
PATCH api/v1/wallets/24
"currency_id": 90
DELETE api/v1/wallets/25
- There are four entities created in this project (wallet, user, currency, transactions)
- The transactions entity handles the increment and decrement of wallet amount/balance,for example the amount to increment is gotten from transactions table,then used to increment wallet amount.
- In order to create a main wallet,when signing up you are to provide a currency to create a wallet,the wallet is created automatically once signup is successful ,main wallet can be identified when the main attribute is true.
- Elite and Noob users can signup through the signup link,while admin could be created through seed data.
- Ruby on Rails - the web framework used to build the api .
- Rspec - testing framework
- PostgreSQL - the main reason PostgreSQL is used , in a case where there is a migration failure while modifying your database records , the entire modification gets rolled back to where you started instead of crashing like MySQL.
- RSpec API Doc Generator - for api documentation
- Can only have a wallet in a single currency selected at signup (main).
- All wallet funding in a different currency should be converted to the main currency.
- All wallet withdrawals in a different currency should be converted to the main currency before transactions are approved.
- All wallet funding has to be approved by an administrator.
- Cannot change main currency.
- Can have multiple wallets in different currencies with a main currency selected at signup.
- Funding in a particular currency should update the wallet with that currency or create it.
- Withdrawals in a currency with funds in the wallet of that currency should reduce the wallet balance for that currency.
- Withdrawals in a currency without a wallet balance should be converted to the main currency and withdrawn.
- Cannot change main currency
- Cannot have a wallet.
- Cannot withdraw funds from any wallet.
- Can fund wallets for Noob or Elite users in any currency.
- Can change the main currency of any user.
- Approves wallet funding for Noob users.
- Can promote or demote Noobs or Elite users
- Write concise api documentation for your endpoints
- Write tests to cover all scenarios that you implement(I couldnt test service objects,due to time constraints)
- Write a docker-compose file to startup your application and start your db
- I purposely left the api key for the currency exchanger open, since they have strict policies .