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Repository files navigation is a simple console app for generating html docs from markdown files for use on your local machine. It also generates a tree view of these files for quick navigation. This project is complemented by a web application that provides a simple interface for editing the content.

The main purpose of this application is to organize your bookmarks, notes, articles, and code examples in a beautiful and efficient manner, storing them securely on your local machine.


  • Converts .md files to .html with a pure HTML layout
  • Responsive web design
  • Shows a tree view of markdown files
  • Shows table of contents (h1, h2 tags)
  • Tracks changes in markdown files and modifies html accordingly
  • Extended markdown syntax for tabs, links
  • Copying code blocks to the clipboard
  • Basic editing with live html preview


Project structure

├── /MarkdownNavigator.Console         # Main console app for generating html docs
├── /MarkdownNavigator.Domain          # Shared business logic
├── /MarkdownNavigator.Infrastructure  # Managing resource files
│   ├── /Resources
│       ├── /assets                    # Shared static files
├── /MarkdownNavigator.React           # Frontend React app for markdown editing
├── /MarkdownNavigator.Tests           # Unit and intergration tests 
├── /MarkdownNavigator.Web             # Backend minimal API app for markdown editing
└── /StaticFilesManager                # Managing shared static files


App settings

  • SourceFolder: path to the source folder containing your markdown files.
  • Server: URL of the local web app for editing markdown files.

Here is an example configuration:

  "SourceFolder": "C:\\Documents\\Wiki",
  "Server": "https://localhost:7024"

Managing static files

To update static files across multiple projects, you can either run StaticFilesManager or manually follow these steps:

  • Copy the contents of MarkdownNavigator.Infrastructure/Resources/assets to MarkdownNavigator.React/public/assets (except main.js)
  • After building the React app, copy the contents of MarkdownNavigator.React/build to MarkdownNavigator.Web/wwwroot