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Spotify credentials

LakesCorp edited this page Oct 3, 2023 · 1 revision

Obtaining Spotify API Credentials 🗝️:

To interact with the Spotify API and fetch artist collaborations, you'll need to obtain your API credentials, which include a Client ID and Client Secret.

Follow these steps to get your Spotify API credentials:

  1. Sign Up/Log In:

  2. Create an App:

    • Once you're logged in to the Spotify Developer Dashboard, click on the Create an App button.
    • Fill out the form by providing an App Name, App Description, and check the required boxes in the terms of service.
    • Click on CREATE to finalize the app creation.
  3. Access Your Credentials:

    • After creating your app, you'll be redirected to your app's dashboard.
    • Here, you can find your Client ID and Client Secret under the App Settings section.
  4. Set Redirect URIs:

    • In the Spotify Developer Dashboard, click on Edit Settings.
    • Under Redirect URIs, add http://localhost:8888/callback (or any other redirect URI your application uses). This is essential for the OAuth flow to work.
    • Save your changes.
  5. Using the Credentials:

    • Safely store the Client ID and Client Secret and use them in your application as required. Never expose these keys in public repositories or public parts of your application.
    • In the case of our Artist Network Generator, you'd add these credentials to the .env file in your project directory.

Important Notes:

  • Treat your Client ID and especially your Client Secret as sensitive data. Do not expose them in any public spaces.
  • The Spotify API has rate limits. If you make many requests in a short period, you might be temporarily blocked. Always refer to Spotify's official documentation for the most up-to-date information on rate limits and best practices.

For more detailed information and advanced configurations, refer to the official Spotify Developer documentation.

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