This is the Dart client to access APIs on the M3O Platform
M3O is an attempt to build a new public cloud platform with higher level building blocks for the Next generation of developers. M3O is powered by the open source Micro platform and programmable real world Micro Services.
M3O APIs includes DB, Cache, Stream, MQ, Events, Functions, App, SMS and more.
Call a service using the generated client. Populate the M3O_API_TOKEN
environment variable.
Import the package and initialise the service with your API token.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:m3o/m3o.dart';
void main() async {
final token = Platform.environment['M3O_API_TOKEN']!;
final hwservice = HelloWorldService(
token: token,
address: liveAddress,
CallRequest req1 = CallRequest(name: 'Mighty Zeus');
StreamRequest req2 = StreamRequest(messages: 15, name: 'World');
try {
CallResponse res1 = await; => print(value.message),
Merr: (CallResponseMerr err) => print(err.body!['body']));
final st = await;
await for (var sr in st) { => print(value.message),
Merr: (StreamResponseMerr err) => print(err.body));
} catch (e) {
} finally {
The generic client enables you to call any endpoint by name.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:M3O/m3o.dart';
void main() async {
final token = Platform.environment['M3O_API_TOKEN']!;
final client = Client(
token: token,
address: liveAddress,
Request request = Request(
service: 'helloworld',
endpoint: 'Call',
body: {
'name': 'John',
Response res = await;
Most M3O services have endpoints that return a Future and few that return Stream. In order to use M3O clients with Flutter, you need to wrap it with FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder.
For example, you can write a function that return Future<NowResponse>
from the weather service like this:
Future<NowResponse> londonCurrentWeather() async {
final token = Platform.environment['M3O_API_TOKEN']!;
final wservice = WeatherService(
token: token,
address: liveAddress,
NowRequest req = NowRequest(location: 'lonon');
try {
NowResponse res = await;
return res;
} catch (e) {
// handle error
and then use FutureBuilder to create a widget like this:
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(context) {
return FutureBuilder<NowResponse>(
future: londonCurrentWeather(),
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<NowResponse> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
// extract the data and return a widget
} else {
return CircularProgressIndicator();