A set of post deployment playbooks to complete overcloud installation in my test environment.
Vyos router config:
eth0 : default libvirt network
eth1 : OVS switch trunked port
Vif 150 Vlan 150 address
Vif 151 Vlan 151 address
Vif 152 Vlan 152 address
Vif 153 Vlan 153 address
python-shade is needed
Install shade on CentOS or Rhel
yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y python-pip python-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel gcc
pip install -U pip
pip install shade
Install shade on Fedora
dnf install python-shade
Install shade on Ubuntu
aptitude install python-shade
Most of the variable are present in all.yml and can be overridden by the --extra-vars="" flag
source overcloudrc
##Post deployment tasks
ansible-playbook overcloud-postdeploy.yaml
Results: - Creation of flat provider network associated with libvirt net-external physical network - Creation of associated public subnet - Creation of private network and subnet - creation of a router with one leg in each of the nets created earlier
ansible-playbook images-sg-keys.yaml
- Creation of flavors, images, security groups and keys
ansible-playbook create-provider-network-vlan.yaml --extra-vars="segmentation=x"
- Creation of vlan provider network and associated subnet
Change: cidr: and gateway_ip: to fit your env
ansible-playbook instance-provider.yaml
Creation of an instance connected to provider network with volume attached, formated and mounted
Cloudinit is being used to se t hostname, fqdn and upgrade packages
#cloud-config hostname: provider-{{ segmentation }} fqdn: provider-{{ segmentation }}.lab.local manage_etc_hosts: true debug: true package_upgrade: true
Create users, change passww, inject ssh keys, format and mount volume
users: - default - name: stack sudo: ["ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"] groups: wheel,adm ssh_pwauth: True ssh_authorized_keys: - {{IDRSAPUB}} - name: root ssh_authorized_keys: - {{IDRSAPUB}} ssh_pwauth: True disable_root: false chpasswd: list: | root:toor stack:stack expire: false packages: - tmux - git fs_setup: - label: None filesystem: 'ext4' device: '/dev/vdc' partition: 'auto'
- [ /dev/vdc, /volume-makina-{{image}}, "ext4", "defaults,noatime"] mount_default_fields: [ None, None, "ext4", "defaults,noatime", "0","2" ]