This library provides a thin, type-safe binding for OpenGL.
Add zgl to your build.zig.zon
with one of the following commands (depending on the version you want):
zig fetch --save
zig fetch --save
zig fetch --save
Then add the following to your build.zig
const zgl = b.dependency("zgl", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("zgl", zgl.module("zgl"));
Then import it with const gl = @import("zgl");
, and build as normal with zig build
const std = @import("std");
const gl = @import("zgl");
const glfw = @import("mach-glfw");
fn errorCallback(error_code: glfw.ErrorCode, description: [:0]const u8) void {
std.log.err("glfw error code ({}): {s}\n", .{ error_code, description });
fn getProcAddress(_: type, symbolName: [:0]const u8) ?gl.binding.FunctionPointer {
return glfw.getProcAddress(symbolName);
pub fn main() !void {
if (!glfw.init(.{})) {
std.log.err("failed to init glfw: {?s}", .{glfw.getErrorString()});
defer glfw.terminate();
const window_hints: glfw.Window.Hints = .{
.context_version_major = 4,
.context_version_minor = 1,
.opengl_profile = .opengl_core_profile,
.opengl_forward_compat = true,
.context_debug = true,
const window = glfw.Window.create(640, 480, "OpenGL Window", null, null, window_hints) orelse {
std.log.err("failed to create glfw window: {?s}", .{glfw.getErrorString()});
defer window.destroy();
defer glfw.makeContextCurrent(null);
gl.loadExtensions(void, getProcAddress) catch |err| {
std.log.err("failed to load gl extenstion: {any}", .{err});
while (!window.shouldClose()) {
gl.clearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
gl.clear(.{ .color = true });
This library is developed incrementally. That means that functions and other things will be included on-demand and not just for the sake of completeness.
If you think a function is missing, fork the library, implement the missing function similar to the other functions and make a pull request. Issues that request implementation of missing functions will be closed immediatly.
This library includes OpenGL 4.1 bindings, generated by zig-opengl. Bindings for a different version may be substituted by replacing binding.zig.