Library used
- Azure AD -> App registrations -> New App registrations
- Enter name "Test_B2C_OAuth_APP" (This will be your app name e.g. eRegistration)
- Sign-on URL is you web app url
- After registed the app Edit its manifest so it uses ImplicitFlow
- Go back to App Registrations page and click on Endpoints and the "OAuth 2.0 Authorization Endpoint" is auth end point.
- e.g.
- Note all your app under the same AD will have the same login endpoint but client_id will different for each app.
- The your app's authentication url will build base on that endpoint url plus client id etc.
- Azure AD -> App registrations -> New App registrations
- Enter name API0 (The name will be the actual API name you are registering)
- Sign-on URL is you API url
- Go back to "Test_B2C_OAuth_APP"
- Click on "Required permission"
- Click on "Add" -> "Select an API" -> Search "API0" -> click "Select"
- Then check "DELEGATED PERMISSIONS" -> click on "Select" -> click on "Done"
npm install
npm start
(As of 2019-04-17 my Azure trail will expire in 30 days. But you should be able to setup your own Azure AD and update OAuth config to point to your own Azure endpoints)
Passwd: Wsib2019
The demo did not do token validation, make sure to provide issuer and initialize JwksValidationHandler in production use.