A curated list of Madagascar related projects.
See CONTRIBUTING.md before making a pull request or reporting an issue.
- julkwel/madagascar-map - A list of regions, municipalities, districts, and towns in Madagascar.
- tsirysndr/mada - Search for regions, districts, communes and fokontany right from your terminal.
- puchka/BetaX-Community - This repository contains the scripts and the results we got when using way points to generate the path followed by buses in the urban area of Antanarivo.
- ghislainv/deforestation-maps-Mada - Sixty years of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar.
- nralibera/madagascar_is_not_only_a_movie - An interactive map of Madagascar.
- tsirysndr/top-mg-github-users - A list of GitHub users in Madagascar.
- rasolofonirina/quotes-gasy - A list of famous (or not) quotes from various authors.
- tokyRT/Gasy-quotes-explorer - A web UI for rasolofonirina/quotes-gasy's repository.
- SetraC4Ci/Gasy-Corpus-Crawler - A collection of python scripts for scraping malagasy websites.
- HarimbolaSantatra/mm-cli - Malagasy Encyclopedia and Dictionary on the command line.