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Multi-node Kubernetes cluster on a single Linux machine with Terraform, libvirt and Fedora CoreOS


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Multi-node K8s cluster on a single Linux machine with Terraform, libvirt and Fedora CoreOS

Using the files in this repository it is possible to easily setup a multi-node Kubernetes cluster for development/testing/learning purposes on a single Linux machine.

They have been tested on Fedora 41, but should work also on other recent Linux distributions (the only difference is the installation of the required software).


On the host Linux machine the following software must be installed:

With the above software installed, clone this repository:

git clone

This will create a folder named dev-multinode-k8s containing the following files:

  • is the Terraform file describing the K8s cluster;
  • contains the declaration of the variables used;
  • contains the values of the variables used to create the cluster (see the Configuration chapter);
  • contains the password that will be used to access the nodes of the cluster via SSH (see the Configuration chapter). Note that this file is included only as an example, but, since it contains potentially sensitive information, it should not be stored in version control systems;
  • Butane (.bu) files in the config folder (see the Configuration chapter);
  • simple example script to execute all the steps required for the creation of the cluster (see the Cluster creation chapter).

Another prerequisite is an extracted qcow2 image of Fedora CoreOS, that can be downloaded from the Fedora CoreOS official website. Download the QEMU version and uncompress the .xz file. The uncompressed file must be put in the images directory that is present in the cloned repository.

Tip: before creating a new cluster, download the latest version of Fedora CoreOS. In fact, when Fedora CoreOS starts up searches for updates and, if some are available, tries to install them. This could cause problems in the cluster creation process described below.


The files in the repository can be directly used updating only the name of the downloaded Fedora CoreOS image in the The created cluster will have one Control Plane node and two worker nodes. The Container Runtime Interface (CRI) implementation is cri-o while the Container Network Interface (CNI) provider is Kube-Router.

If you want to modify the example configuration you can act on the Terraform variables and/or the Butane files.

Terraform variables

Most of the configuration parameters are contained in the and files. Modify them according to your requirements (see the file for a description of the declared variables).

The contains only the password of the admin user of all the nodes. It is used by Terraform to install the required software on the nodes and must match the password_hash configured in the Butane files of the nodes (see below).

If you want to change the number of worker nodes of the cluster see the Add/remove worker nodes chapter.

Butane files

The configuration of the virtual machines (nodes of the cluster) that is applied at the first boot is defined using Butane YAML-formatted files. For each VM there must be a Butane file in the config directory. Each file will be automatically converted by Terraform into an Ignition JSON file (.ign).

The main parameters in the Butane files that can be safely changed before applying the configuration with Terraform are the following:

  • hostname of the node: if desired, change the content of the file /etc/hostname;

  • password_hash: hash of the password that can be used to access the cluster nodes via SSH. The content of this field can be computed using the following command (the password must be the one configured in the file):

    mkpasswd --method=yescrypt
  • ssh_authorized_keys (optional): list of the SSH keys that can be used to access the cluster nodes via SSH. These parameter is optional, but it is advisable to set it in order to speed up the access to the nodes of the cluster (see:;

  • podSubnet (only in the clusterconfig.yml file definition present in the control-plane.bu file): subnet used by pods. Modify it if another set of IP addresses is desired for the pods.

Of course, you can change also the rest of the files in order, for example, to add other useful files/scripts to the nodes, configure services, modify the initialization scripts, etc..

Cluster creation

To create a new multi-node K8s cluster on your Linux machine the required steps are the following:

  1. Initialize Terraform:

    cd dev-multinode-k8s
    terraform init
  2. Modify the configuration files if needed (see the previous chapter);

  3. Apply the configuration with Terraform:

    sudo terraform apply

    If you want to see what actions Terraform would take to apply the current configuration before applying it, you can do this with the following command:

    sudo terraform plan
  4. Wait some seconds after the end of the apply command execution in order to give the virtual machines the time to restart;

  5. Initialize the Control Plane node: log in to the Control Plane node as the admin user and execute the script setup/

    ssh admin@
    cd setup
  6. Copy the join command from the script execution log on the Control Plane node. The following is an example of join command:

    kubeadm join --token dixcvq.c5l1ogpz2ttymfs2 \
        --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:ae1f5bdd5b8521f8ee842d3efc6796a83c755276d88dd340ab5f8f98a41fb968
  7. Initialize the worker nodes and add them to the cluster: log in to each worker node as the admin user and execute the script setup/

    cd setup

    Then execute with sudo the join command copied at the previous step to add the worker to the cluster. For example:

    sudo kubeadm join --token dixcvq.c5l1ogpz2ttymfs2 \
        --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:ae1f5bdd5b8521f8ee842d3efc6796a83c755276d88dd340ab5f8f98a41fb968
  8. That's it! Your multi-node K8s cluster is up and running! You can check the list of the nodes logging in to the Control Plane node and executing the command:

    kubectl get nodes
    NAME                STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
    k8s-control-plane   Ready    control-plane   2m23s   v1.32.0
    k8s-worker0         Ready    <none>          112s    v1.32.0
    k8s-worker1         Ready    <none>          81s     v1.32.0
        kubectl get nodes -o wide
     to get more details)

Note 1: if necessary, the join command required to add a node to the cluster can be obtained on the Control Plane node using the following command:

kubeadm token create --print-join-command

Note 2: the files in the repository include a simple example script named that executes all the steps described above automatically (except for the Terraform initialization command). Note that, to work correctly, such scrpit requires that the latest version available of Fedora Core OS is used for the deploy.

Note 3: if the DNS doesn't work correctly, try to restart all the nodes of the cluster.

Note 4: if the created virtual machines do not have Internet access, the issue could be related to the NAT configuration on the host. Here’s how you can address this problem:

  • Enable IP Forwarding: check if IP forwarding is enabled:

    sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward

    If it returns 0, enable it temporarily:

    sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

    To make it permanent, edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add:

    net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

    Then apply the changes:

    sudo sysctl -p
  • Add NAT rules:

    Allow forwarding in the libvirt zone:

    sudo firewall-cmd --zone=libvirt --add-forward --permanent

    Allow traffic from the custom k8snet network (defined in the file) to be forwarded through the zone:

    sudo firewall-cmd --zone=libvirt --add-source= --permanent

    Ensure that NAT (masquerading) is enabled on the outgoing traffic to the Internet:

    sudo firewall-cmd --add-masquerade --permanent

    Reload firewalld to apply the settings:

    sudo firewall-cmd --reload

    To ensure everything is correctly configured, you can check the status of your zones and rules:

    sudo firewall-cmd --zone=libvirt --list-all
    sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

    Ensure that forwarding is enabled for the libvirt zone and that masquerading is applied to the default zone.

Add/remove worker nodes

To add or remove worker nodes is quite easy and can be done following the steps described below.

Remove worker nodes

Modify the worker_count parameter in the file, setting a smaller value, then run the Terraform apply command:

sudo terraform apply

Note that in this way the virtual machines corresponding to the removed nodes will be destroyed and this could have some unwanted impacts on the running pods. See Safely Drain a Node for recommendations on how to properly remove a node from the cluster.

Add new worker nodes

Modify the worker_count parameter in the file, setting an higher value. If the value is greater than 3, you need to add the required nodes configurations in the same file (e.g.: worker3, worker4, etc.) and create the Butane files in the config folder for each worker with index greater than 2. In fact, in the repository there are only 3 Butane files for a maximum of 3 workers. If, for example, you want to create a cluster with 5 worker nodes, you will have to create the files worker3.bu and worker4.bu (note that the names of the files must have the format workerN.bu). Such files can have the same content as the others with only the Hostname changed.

Now you can run the Terraform apply command:

sudo terraform apply

When the command execution terminates, follow the same steps described in the Cluster creation chapter to initialize and add the new worker nodes. To get the join command required to add the new nodes to the cluster, execute the following command on the Control Plane node:

kubeadm token create --print-join-command

Nodes configuration updates

There are two ways to modify the nodes configuration parameters (e.g.: vcpu number, memory, etc.). The first is using Terraform and the second is using libvirt (using the Virtual Machine Manager or the virsh command).

The preferred way should be Terraform in order to keep the configuration files and the actual deployed infrastructure aligned and it is quite simple: modify the parameters in the configuration files, then execute the usual apply command (terraform apply).

Unfortunately, for some types of modifications, applying the new configuration with Terraform replaces the old virtual machines with new ones and this is not a good thing in that actually damages your cluster (you need to reinitialize one or more nodes). This is, at least in some cases, probably due to a limitation of the current Terraform provider for libvirt that may change in future versions.

That said, the advice is to try Terraform first checking the planned modifications with the command:

sudo terraform plan

If in the plan the number of destroyed resources is 0, it is safe to proceed and apply the new configuration. If such number is > 0, use libvirt.

For example, if you try to change the number of vcpus or the memory of a node (in the file you will see that the virtual machine associated to that node would be replaced, damaging your cluster. Then, for this kind of modifications, use the Virtual Machine Manager or the virsh command. You will probably need to restart the node, but your cluster will continue to work properly.

Another example is the automatic startup of the nodes. With the default configuration in the repository, the nodes of the cluster start automatically when the host machine boots up. If you want to change this behaviour you can modify the autostart parameter (in the file setting it to false. This update can be safely done with Terraform in that no resource will be destroyed. When the automatic startup of the nodes is disabled, you can startup them simply with the usual Terraform apply command or using libvirt.

Control the cluster from the host machine

If you want to control the cluster from the host machine, you should install the command-line tool kubectl and then copy the .kube/config file of the Control Plane node in the .kube directory (create it if not already present) in your home directory. The installation of the kubectl tool can be easily done using snap.

Deploy and access the Dashboard

To deploy and access the Kubernetes Dashboard see:

Destroy the cluster

To destroy the cluster removing all the created virtual machines, execute the following command:

sudo terraform destroy



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