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This guide only handles adding new types, attacks and Poketes to Pokete. For further information on class and function
syntax, see the HTML documentation or $ pydoc <file>
Every Pokete has an entry in the pokes
dictionary in pokete_data/poketes.py
. Every entry
needs to have this structure:
"steini": {
# This is the Poketes simplified name/identifier without spaces and in lowercase, which is used to refer to the Pokete in the code
"name": "Steini", # This is the Pokete's pretty name
"hp": 25, # The Pokete's max health points
"atc": 2, # The Pokete's attack points that will added to the Pokete's level
"defense": 4, # The Pokete's defense points that will added to the Pokete's level
"attacks": ["tackle", "politure", "brick_throw"], # The Pokete's starting attacks
"pool": [], # List of additional ungeneric attacks the Pokete can learn
"miss_chance": 0, # The chance a Pokete will miss an attack, this is added to the attacks individual `miss_chance`
"desc": "A squared stone that can casually be found on the ground.", # The Pokete's description
"lose_xp": 3, # The amount of experience the player gets by killing the Pokete
"rarity": 1, # Rarity
"types": ["stone", "normal"], # The Pokete's types
"evolve_poke": "", # The name/identifier of the Pokete, that this Pokete evolves to at a certain level
"evolve_lvl": 0, # The level the Pokete evolves at
"initiative": 5,
# The Pokete's initiative points that will added to the Pokete's level, and determine what Pokete starts in a fight
"ico": [{
# A list of dictionaries containing a displayed string and a color; all those strings will be layered over each other and represent the Pokete in the fight
"txt": """ +-------+
| o o |
| www |
+-------+ """,
"esc": None}],
For more examples on the dictionaries see pokete_data/poketes.py
Only the first type in the "types"
list is the Poketes actual displayed type that determines the Pokete's effectivity.
The other types in the list are just secondary types that determine what generic attacks a Pokete is able to learn.
Those can also be subtypes. The main type can't!
For a list of all types and subtypes see pokete_data/types.py
In addition the attacks in the "attacks"
and the "pool"
lists, a Pokete can learn all generic attacks of the Poketes
Every attack has an entry in the attacks
dictionary in pokete_data/attacks.py
. Every
entry needs to have this structure:
"poison_bite": {
# This is the attack's simplified name/identifier without spaces and in lowercase, which is used to refer to the attack in the code
"name": "Poison bite", # The attack's pretty name
"factor": 1, # The attack factor that is used to calculate damage
"action": "",
# A string that's executed when the attack is used, to effect the Pokete's or the enemy's values (don't use this)
"world_action": "", # An extra ability the attack can be used for
"move": ["attack", "downgrade"], # The moves the Pokete does using the attack
"miss_chance": 0.3, # The chance to miss the attack
"min_lvl": 0, # The minimal level a Pokete needs in order to learn the attack
"desc": "Makes the enemy weaker.", # The attack's description
"types": ["poison"], # The attack's types
"effect": "poison", # The effect the enemy gets when the attack is used, default is None
"is_generic": False, # Whether or not the attack can be learned by any Pokete of its types
"ap": 10, # Attack points; the amount of times the attack can be used by a Pokete until the Pokete has to be healed
For more examples on the dictionaries see pokete_data/attacks.py
Only the first type in the "types"
list is the attack's real type and determines its effectivity. The other type can
only be subtypes. A generic attack can only be learned by a Pokete that has all its types. An ungeneric attack can only
be learned if the attack is in the Pokete's "pool"
or "attacks"
The effect given in the "effect"
attribute has to be the c_name
of an effect listed
in pokete_classes/types.py
or None
An attacks "world_action"
is some kind of extra ability which can be called from the Poketes detail view and be used
to, for example, make the player fly. The string in "world_action"
has to be a key in the abb_funcs
in pokete.py
Every type has an entry inside the types
dictionary in pokete_data/types.py
. Every entry
needs to have this structure:
"stone": { # The type's name
"effective": ["flying", "fire"], # The types the type is effective against
"ineffective": ["plant"], # The types the type is ineffective against
"color": ["grey"] # The type's label color
Every subtype has an entry inside the sub_types
list in pokete_data/types.py
. They have no
further attributes. Subtypes are only useful to determine what Poketes can use what generic attack in a type. For
example, to avoid that bato
learns the generic flying
attack pick
Every map has an entry in the maps
list in pokete_data/maps.py
. Every map needs to have this structure:
"intromap": {
"height": 15,
"width": 30,
"song": "03 Chibi Ninja.mp3",
"pretty_name": "Your home",
"extra_actions": None,
"poke_args": None,
"weather": None
When creating maps you can use any of the provided map data which is found in pokete_data/map_data.py
. You will have
to create your map data and name it the same name as your map. Your map data should be created in this format:
"playmap_1": {
"hard_obs": {
"soft_obs": {
"dors": {
"balls": {
There are given buildings you can add such as:
CENTER = r""" __________
/ /\
/_Center!_/ \
| # ___ # | |
|___| |___|__|"""
SHOP = r""" __________
/ /\
/__Shop!__/ \
| # ___ # | |
|___| |___|__|"""
HOUSE1 = r""" ________
/ /\
/_______/ \
|# ___ #| |
|__| |__|__|"""
You would add them by adding this to the map:
"pokecenter": {
"x": 20,
"y": 0,
"txt": CENTER
"house1": {
"x": 2,
"y": 0,
"txt": HOUSE1
"shop": {
"x": 29,
"y": 3,
"txt": SHOP
You can also add you own buildings if you want like this:
"hotel": {
"x": 43,
"y": 18,
"txt": r""" ..___________
/|| /\
/ || / \
/___Hotel!___/ \
| ## ## | ## |
| ____ | |
|____| |____|____|"""
You should also add terrain such as:
"hard_obs": {
"tree_group_1": {
"x": 35,
"y": 2,
"txt": """ (()(()((())((()((()
|| ||| ||||| |||||"""
You can also add soft obstacles where you can find poketes such as:
"soft_obs": {
"meadow1": {
"x": 1,
"y": 8,
"txt": """ ;;;;;;;
If you want to add a door to a building you do that with the dors:
portion of the dict such as:
"dors": {
"dor_playmap_51_1": {
"x": 90,
"y": 12,
"args": {"map": "playmap_51", "x": 1, "y": 28}
If you're adding doors to buildings you should also include a map of the inside of the building such as:
"playmap_22": {
"hard_obs": {
"inner_walls": {
"x": 2,
"y": 1,
"txt": """________________________
| a |
| ________ |
| |
| | |
| |
| __|
|__________ __________|
|_________| |_________|"""
To add balls to pickup throughout the map you add them like this:
"balls": {
"ball_1": {
"x": 1,
"y": 1
"ball_2": {
"x": 7,
"y": 12
Also new maps have to be added to pokete_data/mapstations.py
to be displayed correctly in the minimap.