A Plugin For Compressing Pictures taken from Camera
Compress the picture in JPG format with a desired quality ranging from 0 to 100.
As of right now it's replacing the image taken..
Future<File> _futureImage;
File _imageFile;
Future compressNow() async {
_futureImage = ImagePicker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.camera);
_imageFile = await _futureImage;
print("FILE SIZE BEFORE: " + _imageFile.lengthSync().toString());
await CompressImage.compress(imageSrc: _imageFile.path, desiredQuality: 80); //desiredQuality ranges from 0 to 100
print("FILE SIZE AFTER: " + _imageFile.lengthSync().toString());
setState(() {
To do:
Compress image from gallery.
Create a new image instead of replacing it.