MusicBot is a Telegram bot that allows you to search for and send music from Netease Cloud Music directly in your chats. 🎶
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Install the required dependencies by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
. - Obtain a Telegram Bot API token from BotFather and update the file with your token.
- Install FFmpeg on your system to handle audio conversions.
- MusicBot relies on the NeteaseCloudMusicApias its backend. Follow the setup instructions in the API's repository.
Start the bot by running python
in your terminal.
🔎 Usage
- Send a private message
- Use the /start command to receive instructions.
- Simply send the name of a music to search for it.
- Click on the music buttons to send them to the chat.
MusicBot brings you a seamless music-sharing experience powered by Netease Cloud Music. Share your favorite tunes with friends on Telegram and let the melodies fill the air! 🎧🤖🎶
Contributions to MusicBot are welcome! Feel free to create a GitHub issue or submit a pull request to improve the bot.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the code.
- MusicBot utilizes the NeteaseCloudMusicApi as its backend to fetch music data.
- You can configure the backend URL in the MusicBot code to use your own instance of the NeteaseCloudMusicApi backend.
- Edit the backend URL in the code if you are using your own instance.
- If you prefer, you can use the provided URL in the code as the default backend.
- Follow the instructions in the NeteaseCloudMusicApi repository to set up and configure your own backend.
- MusicBot includes features such as caching and a music queue system for a seamless music listening experience.
- Enjoy real-time updates on music download progress with the download progress bar. Start using MusicBot today and enjoy a seamless music-sharing experience on Telegram! 🎵🤖🎉