Version 1.13 Copyright 2024 Cas Nuy Only available for Mantis version 2.x
This plugin allows users to initiate monitoring for a project. Once selected the user will be added to the monitorlist for each new issue that is added to the project. In addition, monitoring can be enabled for all existing issues with a status below RESOLVED (). When removing a project from the monitorlist, the user will no longer be added as monitor for new is=sues. In addition it is possible to remove all existing monitor registration for the project (). (***) these are settings on plugin level and cannot be set by the individual user. Depending on the access level set for maintaining this monitoring, it can be done by each individual user. If allowed a separate tab will appear with My Account. Whoever has access rights to maintain users, will be able to adjust these settings within User maintenance.
IMPORTANT: The plugin will adhere to existing Mantis authorizations. For example in case a user has no access for monitoring for a certain projcet, this plugin will also not allow it. Please align where needed.
If with a previous version you added a signal in manage_user_edit_page.php. please remove this line from that script: event_signal( 'EVENT_MANAGE_USER_FORM');
- Copy MonProj directory to the plugins directory of your mantis installation After copying to your webserver :
- Start mantis ad administrator
- Select manage
- Select manage Plugins
- Select Install behind MonProj 1.13
- Click on MonProj to configure 3 settings
- Add_all Default ON Add monitoring to all existing issues with status < Resolved for project OFF Add monitoring only to new issues for the project
- Remove_all Default ON Remove monitoring from all existing issues for project OFF No longer add monitoring for new issues for the project
- Admin Required access level to manage this option
- Once installed, further maintenance is user-driven via the My Account page and/or User Maintenance
The events below may appear in standard Mantis in one of the next versions. Mantis can be patched manual like this: Do ensure to define a signal in manage_user_edit_page.php.
Ensure to define a signal in manage_user_delete.php. Add the following line : event_signal( 'EVENT_ACCOUNT_DELETED', $f_user_id ); Just before : form_security_purge('manage_user_delete');
Also ensure to define a signal in account_delete.php. Add the following line : event_signal( 'EVENT_ACCOUNT_DELETED', $f_user_id ); Just before : layout_page_header();
in case this plugin slows down the Mantis application, add some indexes to the table.
Within PHP-MyAdmin or something similar execute the following commenad:
ALTER TABLE XXX_plugin_MonProj_monitored_projects_table
ADD KEY user_id
ADD KEY project_id
Please replace "XXX"wth whatever is your prefix for the tables.
This plugin is distributed under the same conditions as Mantis itself.
Please visit
Cas Nuy