This wiki is for private usage and as a reminder if I will get another LG G6.
This device has been by far the most difficult phone to hack all categories, probably spent over 100 hours to finally break it. No wiki's out there actually work and they all who made them are kinda idiots and just scammers and some tutorials even may brick your device, not even xda forum have legit tutorial for this device so hopefully someone will enjoy this wiki that have a LG G6 and probably the newer versions aswell.
If you got Android 8.0 Oreo then you must re-flash your firmware to Android 7.0, it wont matter what firmware you choose from until we really hacked the device, just pick one and download the file and flash your device with LGUP tool, go grab the tool + dll file from here: but for fun, let me provide you how you will be able to install apk files on the limited android 8.0 firmware that has all settings disabled and due permissions you are not allowed to launch them because selinux is enable, but you can install applications by a miss I haven't been able to find anywhere. This is possible cause LG have forgot to disable permissions for install 'un-secured' applications outside playstore:
NOTICE: This is NOT allowed on Android 7.0 so don't bother to try, it will just bring you to the limited settings panel with netowrk settings only and you wont be able to move on to developer settings or overide apps settings:
Start your device
On welcome screen press next button
Press on skip in lower right corner
Turn wifi on and login on your wifi
Go back to welcome screen
Press on Accessibility
Press on settings
Press on Switch Access
Press on settings in down right corner
Press on Help & Feedback
Press on About Switch Access for Android
Touch the youtube video once
Click on the clock icon beside the share icon
Youtube is starting quickly and taking you to google chrome browser
Now click on Accept & Continue
In down left corner click on No Thanks
Now browse to  Now to the problem, you won't be able to install this application since the settings and hiddenmenu are disabled and you will just get redirected to the limited settings, it wont help to use quickshortcutmaker or similiar tools for launch development settings, why? Duh! Cause it's not even installed! And cause selinux you wont be able to overide the current settings neither so you are stuck, just give up!
Go back to the youtube screen by pressing arrow back
Start a video, choose the share button
Choose E-mail application provided by LG the white icon with a blue E
Allow the permissions for access contacts + E-Mail address
Wait until you get's connected and just hit next followed by done
Now you are on "Send Message" in your e-mail application
Choose the the add file button, upper right behind your e-mail address
Now press on the terminal.apk file that you added
You will now be allowed to install the application without enabling any permissions since they forgot to add permission denied on this one
After you installed the application, you can choose to open terminal in lower down corner
Now you will notice EVERYTHING is locked due to selinux enforcing and you wont even be allowed to list applications by pm list applications
Sorry for the extremely big pictures, no idea how to fix and I am to lazy to search.
As you can see, next button is grayyed out so connect to wifi (you can bypass this if you pressing quick on wifi and pressing next)
Press on switch access: (This is why wifi connection must be added, otherwise there is no settings here)
Press fast on top at the video, now you see the clock and press on it (no need some annoying accesibilitys on with a annoying voice)
Press on Settings (and fuck you scammers, this is what you will get to)
No worries, browse to any site that allowing you to press a number (here is a link to the page I was using)
Feel free here to press on mail and try install your apk as we did on android 8.0 its not possible you will be redirected to the settings above:
However, once pressed on the phone number you get into call application, now enter the uusd code for secret menu (this code is ńot accepted on android 8.0, hence why we using android 7.0)
And now you're in hidden menu wich you wasnt allowed to open in android 8.0, browse to SVC MENU:
Turn off your LG device Re-do the flash process with LGUP Once the installation is complete and your device is erasing itself with the white background and the android logo on screen saying "DO NOT TURN OFF YOUR DEVICE" - That's exactly what you must do so turn off device by hold POWER + VOLUME DOWN (if you will be to late first time, you will succeed second time just press the buttons ~2-3 seconds before you know the screen will popup so you will poweroff the device during installation) - Now let the device be powered off for ~1 minute and then turn it on again and redo the process from step 1 until 22 and you will be enable to enable usb debugging if you wasn't to late when powering off the device, IF it's still inactive then just try again and try again until it will work, actually I figure out this after my third attempt and now I have tried this several times and you must turn it off while it's between 0% and 100% and since POWER + VOL DOWN takes ~7 seconds to power off device and the screen appears for around 4 seconds you must press the buttons few seconds before to turn it off exactly when it's needed.
Here is a video what's required to uninstall, uninstall other applications on your own risk - I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITYS AND I DONT RECOMMENDING THIS SINCE ITS NOT NEEDED AND IT IS JUST A RISK , PLAY WITH THIS WHEN YOU DONE)
However, here is the oneliner you can copy and paste if you not wanna watch the video:
for apps in " com.lge.setupwizard com.lge.hiddenmenu com.lge.easyhome"; do pm uninstall --user 0 "${apps}"; done; am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MASTER_CLEAR;adb reboot
And just continue until you will join the HOME screen, voila! :D
Nah, just kidding. You will get your device formated, don't panic!!!!
Third time hit arrow next button
Now you can continue without wifi connected, just move on to the next step without any wifi or sim-card:
Of course, enjoy your fully unlocked LG device with bypassed FRP, feel free to do anything you want now, it's 100% yours.
Device will erase itself, but don't worry! We have now reset the permissions for everything so just setup device again and this time it wont reboot again.