I used OTTER to build a Reasoning System that is able to solve the following problem within the context of Search-Space problems:
"Given a set of k numbers: n_1, n_2, ..., n_k and a target number t. Find the appropiate combinations of basic arithmetic operations such as: sum, minus, product and division that reach the target number. Having in mind the following restrictions:
- We only can subtract m from n, that is n-m, if and only if n > m.
- Division is only possible if the remainder is equal to zero. In other words, the denominator is a divisor of the numerator."
We should have installed OTTER (you can find the source code in thet web page I indicated previously).
Copy the "cypher" file in the directory you want.
Open your favourite terminal and go to such directory.
To give OTTER our file as input we can use 'redirection' as follows:
otter < cyphers
If we want the output result in a separate file, enter the following:
otter < cyphers > some_output_file_name
cyphers file also contains documentation.