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GitHub Action

Action Usage Guard

v1.0.1 Latest version

Action Usage Guard


Action Usage Guard

A GitHub Action that cancels workflows if total account usage exceeds a defined threshold


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Action Usage Guard

uses: nekofar/action-usage-guard@v1.0.1

Learn more about this action in nekofar/action-usage-guard

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GitHub Action Usage Guard

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A GitHub Action that cancels workflows if total account usage exceeds a defined threshold.


# This is the name of your GitHub Actions workflow
name: Main Workflow

# This workflow gets triggered on every push to your repository
on: [push]

# These are your workflow's jobs. Each job represents a process that your workflow will run.
  # This is the job for usage guard
    # Runs the guard job on the latest Ubuntu version
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # This step runs the Action Usage Guard
      - name: Run Action Usage Guard
        uses: nekofar/action-usage-guard@v1
          # GitHub access token for authentication.
          token: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }}
          # Defines the threshold for the usage guard.
          threshold: 70

  # This is the setup job
    # The setup job requires the completion of the usage-guard job
    needs: [ guard ]
    # Runs the setup job on the latest Ubuntu version
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # This is a step to check out the code
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      # This is a step with an example action
      - name: Another Step
        uses: actions/hello-world-docker-action@v1
          # This specifies who the action will 'greet'
          who-to-greet: 'GitHub Actions'


To make use of this action, a Fine-grained Personal Access Token (PAT) is essential. The PAT needs to be configured differently based on whether it is for a user account or an organization account.

If you use it for a user account, you need Read access to plan, Read access to metadata, and Read and Write access to actions.

If you use it for an organization, you need Read access to organization administration, Read access to metadata, and Read and Write access to actions.

Make sure to generate and handle the PAT securely, following the best practices for security. The access permissions can be managed by the user and organization administrators based on their security policies and requirements. If you require further assistance setting this up, please feel free to ask!


The configuration used in the GitHub Action workflow includes several options for customization. Each of these configuration options has a specific use and can be tailored to suit your specific workflow needs. Below is a table depicting these options:

Option Description
token This is the actual GitHub access token for authentication.
threshold (Optional) This defines the threshold value (1-100) for the usage guard action. The default is 70.

Each option should be carefully considered to ensure that your workflow proceeds as expected.


We value your input and help! If you're interested in contributing, please reference our Contributing Guidelines. Contributions aren't just about code - any bug reports, feedback, or documentation enhancements are welcomed. Thanks for helping to improve this project!