Repo now archived, not maintained, and content now splitted:
2 personas:
- Platform Engineer (PE) interacting with either Google Cloud (PE-GCP), Azure (PE-AZ) or Humanitec (PE-HUM)
- Developer (DE) interacting with Humanitec (DE-HUM)
- Humanitec default setup in Development
- [PE-HUM] Create Online Boutique App
- [PE-HUM] Create an in-cluster Redis database
- [DE-HUM] Deploy Online Boutique Workloads in the Development Environment
- Common setup
- [PE-HUM] Create
Environment types - [PE-HUM] Create custom name
- [PE-HUM] Create custom
- [PE-HUM] Create custom unprivileged Workload
- [PE-HUM] Create
- GKE basic setup in Staging
- [PE-GCP] Create basic GKE setup
- [PE-GCP] Deploy a simple Nginx Ingress controller
- [PE-HUM] Create Staging Environment
- [PE-GCP] Create a Memorystore (Redis) database
- [PE-HUM] Deploy the Staging Environment
- AKS basic setup in Staging
- [PE-AZ] Create basic AKS setup
- [PE-AZ] Deploy a simple Nginx Ingress controller
- [PE-HUM] Create Staging Environment
- [PE-AZ] Create a Memorystore (Redis) database
- [PE-HUM] Deploy the Staging Environment
- GKE advanced setup in Production
- [PE-GCP] Create advanced and secured GKE setup
- [PE-GCP] Deploy an Nginx Ingress controller
- [PE-GCP] Protect the Nginx Ingress controller behind a Global Cloud Load Balancer (GCLB) and Cloud Armor (WAF)
- [PE-GCP] Use Cloud Logging for Workload's logs
- [PE-HUM] Create Production Environment
- [PE-GCP] Create a Spanner database
- [PE-GCP] Create Kubernetes and Google Service Accounts to access Spanner via Workload Identity
- [DE-HUM] Deploy
Workload connected to the Spanner database in the Production Environment
Backlog and future considerations:
- Azure advanced setup
- Sample Apps with PostreSQL
- Istio Service Mesh
- Dynamic infra (databases) provisioning via Humanitec and Terraform
- Terraform snippets in addition to the existing CLI commands