Bresser 5-in-1/6-in-1/7-in-1 868 MHz Weather Sensor Radio Receiver for Arduino based on CC1101, SX1276/RFM95W, SX1262 or LR1121
See the Wiki for additional information.
To allow automatic handling of all Bresser weather station variants, the decoders are tried in the following order until decoding succeeded:
- 7-in-1-Decoder
- 6-in-1-Decoder
- 5-in-1 Decoder
- Lightning Sensor Decoder
- Water Leakage Sensor Decoder
(The Bresser 5-in-1 Weather Stations seem to use two different protocols - 5-in-1 and 6-in-1.)
Model | Type | Decoder Function |
7002510..12, 9602510 | Weather Station | decodeBresser5In1Payload() |
7902510..12 | Weather Station (Base) | decodeBresser5In1Payload() |
7002531 | 3-in-1 Professional Wind Gauge / Anemometer | decodeBresser6In1Payload() 1) |
7002585 | Weather Station | decodeBresser6In1Payload() |
7009999 | Thermo-/Hygrometer Sensor | decodeBresser6in1Payload() |
7009970 | Air Quality Sensor PM 2.5 / PM 10 | decodeBresser7In1Payload() |
7009972 | Soil Moisture/Temperature Sensor | decodeBresser6In1Payload() |
7009973 | Pool / Spa Thermometer | decodeBresser6In1Payload() |
7009975 | Water Leakage Sensor | decodeBresserLeakagePayload() |
7009976 | Lightning Sensor | decodeBresserLightningPayload() |
7009977 | CO2 Sensor | decodeBresser7In1Payload() 2) |
7009978 | Air Quality Sensor HCHO / VOC | decodeBresser7In1Payload() 3) |
7003600 and WSX3001 | Weather Station | decodeBresser7In1Payload() 4) |
7003210 | Weather Station | decodeBresser7In1Payload() |
7803200 | Weather Sensor | decodeBresser7In1Payload() |
7003300 | Weather Station | decodeBresser7In1Payload() |
7803300 | Weather Sensor | decodeBresser7In1Payload() |
7003150 | 8-in-1 Weather Station | decodeBresser7In1Payload() 5) |
Some guesswork:
Numbering Scheme | Type |
700[25|31|32|33|36]* | Weather Station, Base + Sensor |
780[25|31|32|33]* | Weather Station Sensor (Replacement) |
790* | Weather Station Base (Replacement) |
700[99]* | Accessory Sensor |
must not be set in getData()
, otherwise the return value would always indicate a timeout. (I.e. use #define RX_STRATEGY 0
in some of the example sketches.)
2) Request for testing, see #138
3) Request for testing, see #139
4) The part number is specific to the actual variant, i.e. some more characters are appended
5) The value tglobe_c
is preliminary, see #220
Weather sensors which are using the 6-in-1 protocol are actually transmitting two different kind of messages alternately:
- Temperature, Humidity, Wind and Battery status
- Wind and Rain
All other sensors/protocols are transmitting a single type of message which contains a complete set of data.
The behavior described above can be observed with BresserWeatherSensorBasic, which just shows each message as it is received by using the function getMessage()
The other examples are using the function getData()
which buffers and combines messages from the 6-in-1 protocol until a complete set of data — with some configuration options regarding completeness, see BresserWeatherSensorOptions — is available.
- Configuration
- Rain Statistics
- Lightning Sensor Post-Processing
- SW Examples
- MQTT Integrations
- Debug Output Configuration
- HW Examples
- Antennas and RF Connectors
- Software Build Tutorial
- Source Documentation
- Legal
By selecting a Board and a Board Revision in the Arduino IDE, a define is passed to the preprocessor/compiler. For the boards in the table below, the default configuration is assumed based on this define. I.e. you could could use an Adafruit Feather ESP32-S2 with a CC1101 connected to the pins of your choice of course, but the code assumes you are using it with a LoRa Radio Featherwing with the wiring given below. In some cases (bold entries in the table below) an additional define has to be enabled manually in WeatherSensorCfg.h
If you are not using the Arduino IDE, you can use the defines in the table below with your specific tool chain to get the same result.
If this is not what you need, you have to switch to Manual Configuration
Setup | Board | Board Revision | Defines bold: to be enabled manually in WeatherSensorCfg.h |
Radio Module | Notes |
LILYGO®TTGO-LORA32 V1 | "TTGO LoRa32-OLED" | "TTGO LoRa32 V1 (No TFCard)" | ARDUINO_TTGO_LORA32_V1 | SX1276 (HPD13A) | - |
LILYGO®TTGO-LORA32 V2 | "TTGO LoRa32-OLED" | "TTGO LoRa32 V2" | ARDUINO_TTGO_LoRa32_V2 | SX1276 (HPD13A) | Only needed for LMIC: Wire DIO1 to GPIO33 |
LILYGO®TTGO-LORA32 V2.1 | "TTGO LoRa32-OLED" | "TTGO LoRa32 V2.1 (1.6.1)" | ARDUINO_TTGO_LoRa32_v21new | SX1276 (HPD13A) | - |
LILYGO®T3 S3 SX1262 | "LilyGo T3-S3" | "Radio-SX1262" | ARDUINO_LILYGO_T3S3_SX1262 | SX1262 | - |
LILYGO®T3 S3 LR1121 | "LilyGo T3-S3" | "Radio-LR1121" | ARDUINO_LILYGO_T3S3_LR1121 | LR1121 | - |
Heltec Wireless Stick | "Heltec Wireless Stick" | n.a. | ARDUINO_HELTEC_WIRELESS_STICK | SX1276 | - |
Heltec Wireless Stick V3 | "Heltec Wireless Stick" | n.a. | ARDUINO_HELTEC_WIRELESS_STICK_V3 | SX1262 | - |
Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 V2 | "Heltec WiFi LoRa 32(V2)" | n.a. | ARDUINO_HELTEC_WIFI_LORA_32_V2 | SX1276 | - |
Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 V3 | "Heltec WiFi LoRa 32(V3)" | n.a. | ARDUINO_HELTEC_WIFI_LORA_32_V3 | SX1262 | - |
Adafruit Feather ESP32S2 with Adafruit LoRa Radio FeatherWing | "Adafruit Feather ESP32-S2" | n.a. | ARDUINO_ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_ESP32S2 | SX1276 (RFM95W) | Wiring on the Featherwing: E to IRQ D to CS C to RST A to DI01 |
Adafruit Feather ESP32 or Adafruit Feather ESP32 V2 with Adafruit LoRa Radio FeatherWing | "Adafruit ESP32 Feather" "Adafruit Feather ESP32 V2" |
n.a. | ARDUINO_FEATHER_ESP32 | SX1276 (RFM95W) | Wiring on the Featherwing: A to RST B to DIO1 D to IRQ E to CS |
ThingPulse ePulse Feather with Adafruit LoRa Radio FeatherWing | "Thingpulse ePulse Feather" | n.a. | ARDUINO_THINGPULSE_EPULSE_FEATHER | SX1276 (RFM95W) | Wiring on the Featherwing: A to RST B to DIO1 D to IRQ E to CS |
DFRobot FireBeetle with FireBeetle Cover LoRa Radio 868MHz | "FireBeetle-ESP32" | n.a. | ARDUINO_DFROBOT_FIREBEETLE_ESP32 & DFROBOT_COVER_LORA | SX1276 (LoRa1276) | Wiring on the cover: D2 to RESET D3 to DIO0 D4 to CS D5 to DIO1 Additional connections required for battery voltage measurement. |
M5Stack Core2 with M5Stack Module LoRa868 | "M5Core2" | n.a. | ARDUINO_M5STACK_CORE2 | SX1276 (RA-01H) |
Only needed for LMIC - wiring on the LoRa868 Module: DIO1 to GPIO35 "M5Unified" must be installed M5.begin() is called to control power management |
ESP32-S3 PowerFeather with Adafruit LoRa Radio FeatherWing | "ESP32-S3 PowerFeather" | n.a. | ARDUINO_ESP32S3_POWERFEATHER | SX1276 (RFM95W) | Wiring on the Featherwing: A to RST B to DIO1 D to IRQ E to CS "PowerFeather-SDK" must be installed Board.init(); is called to control power management |
Adafruit Feather RP2040 with Adafruit LoRa Radio FeatherWing | "Adafruit Feather RP2040" | n.a. | ARDUINO_ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040 | SX1276 (RFM95W) | Wiring on the Featherwing: A to RST B to DIO1 D to IRQ E to CS External voltage divider required for battery voltage measurement. |
The preprocessor will provide some output regarding the selected configuration if enabled in the Arduino IDE's Preferences ("Verbose Output"), e.g.
ARDUINO_ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_ESP32S2 defined; assuming RFM95W FeatherWing will be used
Receiver chip: [SX1276]
Pin config: RST->0 , CS->6 , GD0/G0/IRQ->5 , GDO2/G1/GPIO->11
The AVR architecture — including Adafruit Feather 32u4 RFM95 LoRa Radio — is no longer supported due to code size.
See WeatherSensorCfg.h
for configuration options.
Set the desired radio module by (un-)commenting
.RFM95W, HPD13A and RA-01H are compatible with SX1276.
Set the I/O pinning according to your hardware
Define Radio Module Configuration ESP32 user-defined generic, used for ESP32 boards if none of the above is defined ESP8266 user-defined generic, used for ESP8266 boards if none of the above is defined -
Data from multiple sensors can be received by setting
to an appropriate value inWeatherSensorCfg.h
The sensors to be handled can be configured by two ways:
Add any unwanted sensor IDs to the exclude list
#define SENSOR_IDS_EXC { 0x39582376 }
Specify the wanted sensors explicitly in the include list
- if empty, all sensors will be usede.g.
#define SENSOR_IDS_INC { 0x83750871 }
Unused decoders can be disabled to save computation time/power by commenting out:
See How Sensor Reception works for a detailed description.
The weather sensors transmit the accumulated rainfall since the last battery change or reset. This raw value is provided as rain_mm
. To provide the same functionality as the original weather stations, the class RainGauge
is used to calculate
- hourly (past 60 minutes) rainfall,
- daily rainfall,
- weekly rainfall,
- and monthly rainfall.
These values are named rain_h
, rain_d
, rain_w
and rain_m
in the MQTT software examples.
Time and date must be set correctly in order to reset the daily, weekly and monthly rain values correctly.
This is achieved by setting the real time clock (RTC) from an available time source, e.g. via SNTP from a network time server if the device has internet connection via WiFi.
The user must set the appropriate time zone (TZ_INFO
) in the sketch.
See Implementing Rain Gauge Statistics for more details.
The lightning sensor transmits the accumulated number of strikes and the estimated distance from the storm front (at the time of the last strike) at an interval. The post-processing algorithm implemented in the class Lightning
Lightning.h) calculates the number of events during the past 60 minutes — using the same algorithm as the rain statistics — and stores information of the last event:
- Timestamp (UTC),
- Estimated distance and
- Number of strikes since the previous event.
Time and date must be set correctly in order to store the timestamp. This is achieved by setting the real time clock (RTC) from an available time source, e.g. via SNTP from a network time server if the device has internet connection via WiFi.
Uses default configuration src/WeatherSensorCfg.h
Really a very basic example. Good for testing the SW build, wiring and sensor reception/decoding. Output is printed to the serial console (example).
Data is provided by the getMessage()
-method, which returns almost immediately (i.e. after a small multiple of expected time-on-air), even if no data has been received.
Uses default configuration src/WeatherSensorCfg.h
Very similar to BresserWeatherSensorBasic, but data is provided by the getData()
-method, which waits until a complete set of data has been received or a timeout occurred. Output is printed to the serial console (example).
Uses default configuration src/WeatherSensorCfg.h
Based on BresserWeatherSensorWaiting, but repeatedly invokes a callback function while waiting for data. In this example, in each iteration of the wait-loop, a dot is printed. Output is printed to the serial console (example).
Uses default configuration src/WeatherSensorCfg.h
Based on BresserWeatherSensorWaiting, but demonstrates the different options of the getData()
-method which defined if enough sensor data has been received before returning. Output is printed to the serial console (example).
Uses default configuration src/WeatherSensorCfg.h
This is finally a useful application.
At startup, first a WiFi connection and then a connection to the MQTT broker is established. (Edit secrets.h
accordingly!) Then receiving data of all sensors (as defined in NUM_SENSORS, see WeatherSensorCfg.h) is tried periodically. If successful, sensor data is published as MQTT messages, one message per sensor.
If the sensor ID can be mapped to a name (edit sensor_map[]
), this name is used as the MQTT topic, otherwise the ID is used. From the sensor data, some additional data is calculated and published with the extra topic.
The data topics are published at an interval of >DATA_INTERVAL
. The status and the radio topics are published at an interval of STATUS_INTERVAL
Furthermore, Home Assistant MQTT discovery messages are published at an interval of DISCOVERY_INTERVAL. See section Home Assistant for more details.
If sleep mode is enabled (SLEEP_EN
), the device goes into deep sleep mode after data has been published. If AWAKE_TIMEOUT
is reached before data has been published, deep sleep is entered, too. After SLEEP_INTERVAL
, the controller is restarted.
MQTT publications:
sensor data as JSON string - see publishWeatherdata()
calculated data
radio transceiver info as JSON string - see publishRadio()
Home Assistand auto discovery for sensor data
Home Assistand auto discovery for receiver control/status
MQTT subscriptions:
<base_topic>/reset <flags>
reset rain counters (see RainGauge.h for <flags>
) and lightning post-processing (flags & 0x10
get sensors include list
get sensors exclude list
<base_topic>/set_sensors_inc {"ids": [<id0>, ... ]}
set sensors include list, e.g. {"ids": ["0x89ABCDEF"]}
<base_topic>/set_sensors_exc {"ids": [<id0>, ... ]}
set sensors exclude list, e.g. {"ids": ["0x89ABCDEF"]}
$ via LWT
is set by #define HOSTNAME ...
JSON Example:
Dashboard with IoT MQTT Panel (Example)
Customized version of the example BresserWeatherSensorMQTT
The file BresserWeatherSensorReceiver/examples/BresserWeatherSensorMQTTCustom/src/WeatherSensorCfg.h has been customized (from BresserWeatherSensorReceiver/src/WeatherSensorCfg.h).
See examples/BresserWeatherSensorMQTTCustom/ for details.
Same core functionality as BresserWeatherSensorMQTT, but instead of using static WiFi- and MQTT-connection data, WiFiManager is used instead.
When using the sketch on a device for the first time, you must format the flash file system (SPIFFS) first, otherwise the configuration cannot be saved.
- Access Point SSID: ESPWeather-<chip_id>
- Access Point Password: password
- Configuration URL: (The browser must be connected to the access point above!)
Please refer to the WiFiManager documentation for details!
After a successful setup, you can perform two consecutive resets (within 10 seconds) to enable WiFiManager for changing the configuration. This is achieved by using ESP_DoubleResetDetector.

Based on BresserWeatherSensorMQTT. Provides sensor data as MQTT messages via WiFi to Domoticz ( (MQTT plugin for Domoticz required). The MQTT topics are designed for using with Domoticz virtual sensors (see and
Example for BresserWeatherSensorReceiver on M5Stack Core2 with M5Stack Module LoRa868 (and optionally M5Go Bottom2). Using getMessage() for non-blocking reception of a single data message. Weather sensor data is presented on the display.
Home Assistant MQTT Discovery is available.
MQTT topic schemes:
– weather sensor receiver configuration statushomeassistant/button/<hostname>_<json_ele>/config
– weather sensor receiver commandhomeassistant/sensor/<sensor_id>_<json_ele>/config
– sensor data<sensor_id>
: Sensor ID as hex number<json_ele>
: JSON element as indata
message, e.g.temp_c
The sensors transmit the battery status as binary value (battery_ok
), but Home Assistant expects a percentage. Therefore the battery status is converted to 0% or 100%.
Customization of MQTT discovery messages can be done in haAutoDiscovery()
in the sketches' mqtt_comm.cpp
if desired.
weather_sensor_receiver_config.yml allows to configure sensor include/exclude lists.
Manual configuration of Home Assistant can be done using a file template provided by Shadowpost:
See Debug Output Configuration in Arduino IDE
The SX1276/RFM95W also supports FSK modulation and thus can be used to receive the weather sensor data.
Pinout ESP8266 WeMos D1-Mini with cc1101
Texas Instruments CC1101 Product Page
CC1101 Module Connector Pitch is 2.0mm!!!**
Unlike most modules/breakout boards, most (if not all) CC1101 modules sold on common e-commerce platforms have a pitch (distance between pins) of 2.0mm. To connect it to breadboards or jumper wires with 2.54mm/100mil pitch (standard), the following options exist:
- solder wires directly to the module
- use a 2.0mm pin header and make/buy jumper wires with 2.54mm at one end and 2.0mm at the other (e.g. Adafruit Female-Female 2.54 to 2.0mm Jumper Wires)
- use a 2.0mm to 2.54 adapter PCB
Make sure to use the 868MHz version!
Make sure to use the 868MHz version!
- ADA3231 - Adafruit LoRa Radio FeatherWing - RFM95W 900 MHz - RadioFruit
- ADA3232 - Adafruit LoRa Radio FeatherWing - RFM95W 433 MHz - RadioFruit
- ADA5303 - Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather with BME280 Sensor - STEMMA QT - 4MB Flash + 2 MB PSRAM
- ADA5400 - Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2 - 8MB Flash + 2 MB PSRAM - STEMMA QT
Solder-Bridges on the Module/Wing:
- E to IRQ
- D to CS
- C to RST
- A to DI01
Make sure to use the 868MHz version!
- ADA3231 - Adafruit LoRa Radio FeatherWing - RFM95W 900 MHz - RadioFruit
- ADA3232 - Adafruit LoRa Radio FeatherWing - RFM95W 433 MHz - RadioFruit
- ADA3405 - Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board
- B0BSC1PVL4 - ThingPulse ePulse Feather
Solder-Bridges on the Module/Wing:
- A to RST
- B to DIO1
- D to IRQ
- E to CS
Make sure to use the 868MHz version!
See Adafruit RFM69HCW and RFM9X LoRa Packet Radio Breakouts - Pinouts.
Stacking headers were included with TEL0125.
Make sure to use the 868MHz version!**
Solder-Bridges on the Cover:
- D2 to RESET
- D3 to DIO0
- D4 to CS
- D5 to DIO1
The required antenna depends on the signal path between weather sensor and receiver.
Some options are:
- wire antenna
- spring antenna (helical wire coil)
- rubber antenna
See Adafruit Tutorial - Antenna Options for wire antenna lengths and uFL connector soldering.
The Data Alliance website helped to sort out my RF connector confusion:
Applications of MHF Connectors & Cables
The MHF series of RF micro-connectors (mating heights listed below are the maximum):
- MHF1 (also known as MHF) has a Mating Height of 2.5mm
- MHF2 has a Mating Height of 2.1mm
- MHF3 has a Mating Height of 1.6mm
- MHF4 has a Mating Height of 1.2mm
MHF3 connector is compatible with a W.FL connector while MHF2 connector is equivalent of U.FL connector. The MHF4 cable connector is the smallest while MHF1 connector is the largest which is comparable to a U.FL connector.
Personally I prefer the SMA connector over the uFL connector - but be aware of the (usual) male/female connector types and the normal/reverse polarity types. See SMA vs RP-SMA what is the difference? by Digikey.
This project is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Bresser GmbH or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.