- Codec
- References
- Class lectures
- OpenCV cheat sheet
- OpenCV matrix types
- Example code
- JPEG compression for a smooth image block (Fig 9.2)
- JPEG encoding algorithm description
- Extra
- Description: Original input RGB image
- Type: Mat3b matrix
- Description: Compressed RGB image
- Type: Mat3b matrix
- Preprocess original image
- Color conversion RGB to YUV
- Chroma subsampling 4:2:0
- Iterate over each 8×8 block
- 2D IDCT on image blocks
- Reverse 4:2:0 subsampling
- Color conversion YUV to RGB
Note: The decoding process reverses Encoding steps, except the quantization because it is irreversible
- Type: Mat3b matrix
- Type: Mat3b matrix
- Matrix (4) RGB_YUV:
0.299 | 0.587 | 0.114 |
−0.14713 | −0.28886 | 0.436 |
0.615 | −0.51499 | −0.10001 |
- Compute matrix product, YUVColor, of RGB_YUV and RGBColor, for all.
for (row : rows) {
for (col : columns) {
RGBColor = RGBImage[row, col]
YUVColor = RGB_YUV * RGBColor
YUVImage[row, col] = YUVColor
- Matrix (5) YUV_RGB:
1.00 | 0 | 1.1398 |
1.00 | −0.3946 | −0.58060 |
1.00 | 2.03211 | 0 |
- Description: YUV image
- Type: Mat3b matrix
- Description:
- Type: Mat3b matrix
- T is a DCT-matrix defined as:
T[i, j] = 1 / √(N) if i = 0
= √(2/N) * cos((2j+1) * iπ) / 2N) if i > 0
- For block size N=8, DCT-matrix T_8:
T_8[i, j] = 1 / (2*√(2)) if i = 0
= 1/2 * cos((2j+1) * iπ) / 16) if i > 0
- 2D DCT is implemented by two consecutive 1D DCT matrix multiplications
F(u, v) = T * f(i, j) * Transpose(T)
- Transform.h defines 2D DCT
template<typename _Tp>
Mat1d Transform::dct2(const Mat_<_Tp> &matrix) {
return mul(mul(Transform::DCT, matrix), Transform::DCT_T);
- Codec.h applies transformation to each block
using BlockDataType = short;
using BlockTransform = std::function<Mat_<double>(Mat_<BlockDataType>)>;
BlockTransform dct2 = Transform::dct2<BlockDataType>;
- ImageBlock.h applies transformation to each channel within a block
template<typename _Tp, int cn>
void ImageBlock<_Tp, cn>::transform(BlockTransform transformFunc) {
for (int c = 0; c < cn; c++) {
this->at(c) = transformFunc(this->at(c));
- The equation of 2D inverse DCT based on:
f(i, j) = Transpose(T) * F(u, v) * T
- Every 8×8 block is decoded with 2D IDCT
Note: DCT matrix is orthogonal: Transpose(T) = Inverse(T)
- Description: DCT coefficients F(u, v)
- Type: ImageBlock
- Description: Quantized DCT coefficients F^(u, v)
- Type: ImageBlock
- Quantization reduces high frequency DCT coefficients. Quantization formula:
F^(u, v) = round( F(u, v) / Q(u, v) )
- Standard JPEG quantization tables p. 9; tables 9.1, 9.2
The code uses the Qt framework. It is a cross-platform GUI framework for C++. You can open and run the code using an IDE called Qt creator. The code basically creates a window, add two buttons and labels. When the open button is clicked, it loads an image and displays it using the first label. When the convert button is clicked, it computes the Y channel of the loaded image and displays it using second label.
Note: remember to download Qt creator and a version of Qt, for example, Qt 5.12.
- macOS
- Note: you may need to type in the following command after you successfully installed OpenCV. Basically, you need to create a link for opencv4.pc
ln /usr/local/Cellar/opencv/4.0.1/lib/pkgconfig/opencv4.pc /usr/local/Cellar/opencv/4.0.1/lib/pkgconfig/opencv.pc
- Clone this repository
git clone https://csil-git1.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/A2-365/JPEG-Image-Compression.git
- Commit all changes and push
git add .
git commit -m "Message"
git push
- Create a new branch
git checkout -b "Branch_Name"
git push --set-upstream origin "Branch_Name"