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ember-cli addon component for iCheck

Update: Not maintained anymore.


  • ember install ember-cli-icheck


  • In any .hbs file,

    • {{i-check checked=variable}}
    • {{i-check type="radio" checked=variable}}
    • {{i-check type="checkbox" checked=variable checkboxClass='icheckbox_whatever-style'}}
    • {{i-check type="radio" checked=variable radioClass='iradio_whatever-style' areaIncrease="30%"}}
  • Defaults:

    • checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-blue'
    • radioClass: 'iradio_square-blue'
    • increaseArea: '20%'


The default configuration does only import square theme with blue tone, if you want to use a diferent color or theme you can import the files on your own or just configure the plugin to do so. The configuration should be done in your config/enviroment.js file, for example if you want to use flat green theme you should add this:

module.exports = function(environment) {
  var ENV = {
    // ... 
    emberCliIcheck: {
      colors: ['green'],
      skins: ['flat']