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Name: PrimePress

Live Link: PrimePress🔗

server-side repo link: Server Repo🔗

🖥️ Teachs used:

🧩 Projects features.

  • On the home page there are 6 trending articles and recent 2 articles, there are also our all publishers, users' statistics, plan, stay connected, and listen to our podcast section.

  • in the navbar, there are all the articles and on that page there are all published articles are showing as approved by the admin

  • in all articles routes user can search for articles by title and filter by tags and publisher.

  • there is also login options for a newcomer, after logging in you can see three more routes in the navbar add article, my articles, and subscription routes.

  • any user can add her/his article to the add article page and the article will be published by admin.

  • by taking a subscription users can enjoy the premium articles and users can take the subscription by clicking on the subscription routes and paying the subscriptpaying.

  • in my articles routes users can see his/her all add articles and he/she can edit and delete his/her articles.

  • if user is not logged d in he can see those three routes and if not a premium user he/she can't see premium articles.

  • if user is admin he/she can see another route in the navbar like the dashboard and after er clicking on the dashboard admin will redirect to dashboard and he she can see the user statistics, publishers' publications, and article status statistics.

  • in the all users routes admin can see all the users and the his available to make other users admin.

  • in the all articles routes admin can see all the articles he can approve/decline pending articles and also can remove/make premium the articles.

  • in the add publisher routes admin can add new publisher to a website.


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