Build the fancy keyboard wrist rest of your dreams
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+-------+-------+------- public | stain | table | public | wood | table |
store-# CREATE TABLE wood( store(# TYPE varchar(50), store(# IMAGEURL varchar, store(# DESCRIPTION varchar, store(# PRICE numeric (10, 2), store(# QUANTITY BOOLEAN);
store-# CREATE TABLE stain( store(# TYPE varchar(50), store(# IMAGEURL varchar, store(# DESCRIPTION varchar, store(# PRICE numeric (10, 2), store(# QUANTITY BOOLEAN);
//notes for shell postgresSQL insert //all caps - INSERT INTO //double quotes table name //open parenthesis //no quotes for column, and comma after //close parens, but no ; //all lower case values //open parens; //single quote ONLY for value strings //close parens, and ;
INSERT INTO "wood" (TYPE, IMAGEURL, DESCRIPTION, PRICE, IN_STOCK) values ('redoak', '', 'Top of the line, solid wood imported from the western states', 29.99, true);
//hotkey - control C to exit to main menu, but not DB