Projet pi dev: refugees camp
Equipe: Tech No Logic
Git commit
git add
git status
git commit -m "skeleton commit"
git push
Configuration git
1) Install git bash client
2) go to C:\Users\\workspace
3) left click : git bash here
4) git config --global ""
5) git config --global "Midani Rachdi"
6) generate ur ssh keys with
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -b 4096
7) press enter
8) enter your passphrase once
9) enter your passphrase twice
10) cat ~/.ssh/ | clip
11) go to > top right corner : click on your picture
> settings >ssh keys
12) go to : C:\Users\m\.ssh\ > open with notepad++
and copy the whole string starting with ssh-rsa
and ending with your email
13) add your key in
14) git clone
References git
Configuration de datasource wildfly
1) go to Login: admin password: wildflyadmin
2) go to Configuration/subsystems/datasources/view
3) JDBC datasource > add > mysql datasource
4) Step 2/3 jdbc driver : choose detected driver > select mysql> click next
5) Step 3/3 connection settings : change database name to "refugeescamp" pour que l'url devient
6) type your database username and password
7) go to mysqlworkbench or phpmyadmin : create a database named refugeescamp
8) go to wildfly and test connection
- First you need to add @AllowTo before your webService Methode
- the @AllowTO annotation must take a parameter of type String table " String[]"
- Role allowed are "Admin", "CampChef","DistrictChef" and "Volunteer"
public Response doSomething()
in this exemple only users with the role Admin or DistrictChef will be allowed to use this methode