[Important] Submission checklist and General information can be found in Hex game doc.pdf
We will be running each within this specific Dockerfile image and with this specific Docker environment. So make sure your agent will work within this container environment and under the constrain.
To build Dockerfile
docker build --build-arg UID=$UID -t hex .
The building process will take a while.
To run the container use:
docker run --cpus=8 --memory=8G -v `pwd`:/home/hex --name hex -it hex /bin/bash
The current repo will be mapped to /home/hex
within the container.
If you cd hex
you should be able to see all your
local file. Any changes made to that directory will reflect to your system directory. This will be the command we use
to create the running environment for playing each game, so your agent can at most you 8 CPUs and uses 8 GB of memory.
To run a game of Hex, you can use:
python3 Hex.py
By default, two agents/DefaultAgents/NaiveAgent.py
agent will play against each. To see all the available options and
help message use python3 Hex.py --help
To exit the docker container you can simply do exit
. This will stop the container.
To enter the container again you can simply use:
docker start -i hex
To run the test suite, you can use:
python3 -m unittest discover
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