Alpine-powered container for Amazon Elastic Beanstalk CLI
You can simply run this container using docker run
docker run -it --rm mini/eb-cli help
This container will not have access to your credentials, but you can exposte
it by mounting ~/.aws
directory against /home/aws/.aws
of the container:
docker run -i -v $HOME/.aws:/home/aws/.aws --rm mini/eb-cli --help
As convenience to reduce typing, eb-cli-relative
is provided within
wrapper directory:
You should copy and place it in your project's bin
This container also exposes /data
as bind mount volume and can be used when
copying local content to a target (S3 bucket) might be required:
docker run -i -v $PWD:/data mini/eb-cli deploy
Work on this was made possible thanks to AREA 17.
All code contained in this repository, unless explicitly stated, is licensed under MIT license.
A copy of the license can be found inside the LICENSE file.