PostgreSQL container.
To run this container and bind port 5432
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 mini/postgresql
You can now check the logs:
docker logs <CONTAINER_ID>
Credentials to access the PostgreSQL service are displayed in the container
logs for admin
By default this container will generate a random password for admin
You can specify a fixed one by using POSTGRESQL_PASS
environment variable:
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRESQL_PASS=mystrongpassword mini/postgresql
This will only be set the first time the data volume is initialized.
This container exposes /data
as bind mount volume. You can mount it
when starting the container:
docker run -v /mydata/postgresql:/data -d -p 5432:5432 mini/postgresql
We recommend you mount the volume to avoid loosing data between updates to the container.
Work on this was made possible thanks to AREA 17.
All the code contained in this repository, unless explicitly stated, is licensed under ISC license.
A copy of the license can be found inside the LICENSE file.