mn3/activations.py - contains implementations of hard sigmoid and hard swish
mn3/blocks.py - contains implementations of squeeze-and-excitation block and of MobileNetV3 bottleneck block
mn3/config.py - contains cofiguration classes for MobileNetV3 backbone and MobileNetV3, you can create your own configuration or use onw of 4 predefined configurations (SMALL, LARGE, SMALL_BBONE, LARGE_BBONE)
mn3/nets.py - contains implementations of MobileNetV3 backbone and mobilnetv3 for classification (if you need just a backbone you can use backbone without classification head).
from mn3.nets import MobilenetV3
import mn3.config as config
net = MobilenetV3(config.LARGE, n_classes=1000) # MobileNetV3 large
from mn3.nets import MobilenetBackbone
import mn3.config as config
net = MobilenetBackbone(config.SMALL_BBONE) # MobileNetV3 small backbone
from mn3.nets import MobilenetV3
import mn3.config as config
small075 = config.SMALL.scale_width(0.75, inplace=False)
net = MobilenetV3(small075, n_classes=1000) # MobileNetV3 small with 0.75 width