Threadly is a modern, real-time chat application engineered with the MERN stack and, designed to redefine digital communication. By seamlessly blending cutting-edge technologies like TailwindCSS and DaisyUI, we've created an intuitive, secure messaging platform that prioritizes performance, user experience, and elegant design. Our vision transcends traditional messaging—we aim to build a sophisticated digital ecosystem that empowers meaningful, instant connections in an increasingly connected world.
- Given I am a new user
- When I visit the application
- Then I should be able to:
- Create a new account with email and password
- Receive validation feedback for incorrect inputs
- Verify my email address (optional feature)
- Securely log in to the platform
- Given I am a logged-in user
- When I access my profile settings
- Then I should be able to:
- Update my profile picture
- Modify personal information
- Change my password
- Set privacy preferences
- Given I am authenticated
- When I navigate to the chat interface
- Then I should be able to:
- View a list of my recent conversations
- Send text messages in real-time
- Share images within conversations
- Filter online and offline users
- Given I am in an active conversation
- When my contact sends a message
- Then I should:
- Receive the message instantly
- See the sender's online/offline status
- Get push notifications if the app is in the background
- Given I encounter any system issues
- When errors occur
- Then I should:
- Receive clear, user-friendly error messages
- Have the ability to retry failed actions
- Maintain a smooth, uninterrupted experience
- Optional Features:
- Choose from over 32 themes
- Theme change mode toggle
- 🔑 Authentication & Authorization: Secure user authentication and route protection using JWT (JSON Web Tokens).
- 📤 Real-Time Messaging: Seamless real-time communication powered by
- 🚀 Online User Status: View live online status of users.
- 👌 Global State Management: Effortless state management with Zustand.
- 🐞 Error Handling: Comprehensive error handling on both client and server sides for a smooth user experience.
- React: Building a dynamic and interactive user interface.
- TailwindCSS: Rapid styling with utility-first CSS.
- DaisyUI: Pre-designed components for a beautiful UI.
- Zustand: Lightweight global state management.
- Node.js: Backend runtime environment.
- Express: Minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework.
- Enables real-time, bidirectional communication between the client and server.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing user and message data.
- Mongoose: Elegant MongoDB object modeling for Node.js.
- JWT: Secure token-based authentication.
The database design focuses on creating robust, scalable schemas for Users and Messages, ensuring efficient data management and relationships in our MERN stack application.
User Schema |
Message Schema |
![]() |
![]() |
:- Type: String
- Required: Yes
- Unique: Ensures no duplicate email addresses
- Validation: Must be a valid email format
:- Type: String
- Required: Yes
- Purpose: User's complete name for profile identification
:- Type: String
- Required: Yes
- Minimum Length: 6 characters
- Security: Will be hashed before storage
:- Type: String
- Default: Empty string
- Purpose: Store profile picture URL from Cloudinary
- Optional: Can be updated later
:- Automatically adds
fields - Tracks user account creation and last update time
- Automatically adds
:- Type: MongoDB ObjectId
- Reference: "User" collection
- Required: Yes
- Purpose: Links message to sender's user document
:- Type: MongoDB ObjectId
- Reference: "User" collection
- Required: Yes
- Purpose: Links message to receiver's user document
:- Type: String
- Optional: Can be empty
- Purpose: Stores message text content
:- Type: String
- Optional: Can be empty
- Purpose: Stores image URL (Cloudinary link)
:- Automatically adds
fields - Tracks message creation and last modification time
- Automatically adds
Signup Page |
Login Page |
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Home Page |
Chat Page |
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Settings Page |
Profile Page |
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Threadly is live on Render!
- Seamless GitHub integration
- Automatic continuous deployment
- Free tier hosting
- Custom domain support
- Fast deployment
- Secure HTTPS connection
- Scalable infrastructure
Check it out:
Click here 👈
To set up Threadly locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone cd threadly
Install dependencies for both frontend and backend:
cd frontend npm install cd backend npm install
Set up environment variables:
Create a .env file in the backend directory with the following variables:
You will need to have an Cloudinary api key.
MONGODB_URI = your_mongodb_connection_string PORT = your_server_port_number JWT_SECRET = your_jwt_secret_key CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME = your_cloudinary_cloud_name CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = your_cloudinary_api_key CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET = your_cloudinary_secert_api_key NODE_ENV = development
Start the development servers:
cd backend npm run dev
cd frontend npm start
- Open the app in your browser.
Mohammad Abdelkhalek
Full Stack Developer
GitHub | LinkedIn
Feel free to reach out for any questions, suggestions, or collaborations.