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I built a table. I used HTML table for table and sass modules for styling.
The home page shows sortable calendar and /sum shows sum by departments/names/dates etc and total amount.
I built a custom hook useTable to demonstrate how we can use context to create custom hook stores.
I used prettier and eslint for formmating and linting.
I used jest for unit testing, react testing library for screenshot testing and cypress for e2e testing.
I used JSON data instead of parsing csv due to shortage of time.\

here are some usefull commands to run/test application\

yarn start will start the application.
yarn build will create a production build.
yarn lint will run eslint and show errors/warnings in console.
yarn lint:fix will fix linting errors.
yarn format will format the application code using prettier.
yarn test will run a test suit. basically 2 tests. one is unit test and other is a snapshot.
npx cypress open will open cypress e2e test.\

Below are some screenshots of application. image image image image image image


Learning state management with Custom Hooks and Context API






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